pp. God . 50% of the world say they believe in me so I must 100% exist.
You cant make something out of nothing but you asked me a question and you wouldn't ask nothing a question, therefore I must be something.
Are you with me so far ?
If I am something then I am. Next question !
pp. God
I should add your sort of communication is antiquated. We use the
PRAYER system which is available throughout the universe. It doesn't require apps or operating systems. All requests are transmitted instantly and we have an infinite data capacity.
Replies may be slow and we do have a lowish success rate, currently
0.0000335% for requests from Lourdes but its a free service .
Modeller, I think Khandro is as much Buddhist as I am a Muslim, I have also commented in the past about his very un-Buddhist like behaviour, I think he just like the thought of being Buddhist but cannot live up to expectations.