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Why Go To Heaven ?

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modeller | 09:59 Sat 21st Sep 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
63 Answers
I heard a discussion by a group of theists who were saying why they wanted to go to heaven . It was a bit weird because no one said anything positive.
1. There would be nothing to do because there would be no need to , nothing to aim for, no desire, no ambition, no winners or losers, no one would be dim or bright or talented, everybody equal, no arguements , nothing to talk about , not even the weather or ones health. Nothing but eternal limbo !

As one man jokingly said, it was lust and greed that had driven him to achieve a highly successful life. He said he started chasing the girls when he was 7 and hasn't stopped since.

2. They more or less ended up with a consensus that the only reason for going to heaven was it's better than the alternative.

Surely theists must have another reason for wanting to go ! What do you think ?



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I have always thought of heaven as being the best bits of earth. If you want people to debate with, they will be there, if you want to garden or paint or enjoy fine wines they will be there, also the beloved people we have lost.
11:07 Sat 21st Sep 2013
Retires with pea shooter.
modeller; Enlighten me please, what is outer space made of, is it made entirely of atoms do you think?
v_e; OK, I admit it, I'm out-quoted.
Mind versus matter is a traditional metaphysical debate. Khandro (as far as we can ascertain his real beliefs) appears to be a dualist ,seeing the world as composed of two totally different things which somehow mysteriously interact with each other. He may be right. My only observation is this: while thought and emotion may not be matter, if we are to believe quantum physicists neither is matter matter. I'm not sure whether that makes things easier or more difficult.
"Khandro v_e; OK, I admit it, I'm out-quoted.".
"He'll be back." Tiberius Gracchus (Charles Laughton) on Crassus (Laurence Oliveier) in Spartacus.
Khandro, still quoting other people instead of presenting an argument? The important part of your quote is 'could be' but 'probably isn't ' is probably more valid:-)
jomifl; Not only is it possible to outline an argument purely by the quotations of others, according to Ludwig Wittgenstein;
"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes." !
Oops! there I go again.
indeed you do :o) It's that 'could be' cop out again, still no need to support 'could be' with an argument which might require thought, which would account for it's popularity.
Oh dear, they didn't read the terms and conditions of what they have signed up for!
Being baptised as a baby sucker is no excuse as they are now adult. Can they not sue their "god" for mis-selling a false promise, and by distance-sellling? No they can't because it is not worth sueing a man of straw. I know of no religion without this curse of everlasting life.
Fortunately we atheists can relax because all living things are the result of chemistry and physics which are governed by the laws of thermodynamics notably the law of entropy which dictates that everything eventually ends in structureless chaos and probably zero, even Blackpool, Swindon and the M25.
So even our beginning (birth) will eventually end.....aaah nice. But let's cheer-up and enjoy the joke while we can and believe whatever we chose.
For the heaven-fearing who now want to chicken-out of their contract they could consider (Heinrich Heine..I fink) "To sleep is good, to die is better but by far the best is never to have been born at all". Surely the thought of everyone dying in "gods" gift of agony.
When I was young boy in the 50's I went to a Catholic Primary School. One day I was having a discussion with one of the nuns, about what heaven was really like.

She asked me what I most liked to eat and I replied that my Mum's apple pie and custard was smashing and I could eat it all day. She then told me that in heaven I could eat apple pie and custard all day, every day, if I wanted.

I was only 7 years old but for many years afterwards, until I became an atheist in my late teens, whenever anybody mentioned the word heaven, there was a distinct odour of cinnamon in the air.

Even if heaven existed, I'm not sure that I would want to go there if it was full of all those sanctimonious b*stards that have been trying to convert me ever since.
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An Atheist friend of mine said she needs the crutch of faith and would feel empty without it. She described herslf and fellow theists as NUGs
Naive, Unworldly and Gullible. I made no comment.
modeller, ^ haven't you got your jockey shorts in a twist?
Dear Modeller,
An atheist friend who needs the crutch of faith and descibing herself as a theist, lol. You did not comment -yup- sounds like you were dumbfounded.
If heaven is full of the so called religeous people I've met & seen & heard in the media, then I'm glad I'm going to hell!
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I know she is a NUG but she is a charming lady and I think she does get a lot of comfort from her religion. She certainly needs all the comfort she can get, she has a daughter with a disabling disease but feels someone up there is guiding her through life. This enables her to cope.
Dear Modeller,
Very sad about your friend and I wish her and her daughter all the very best. No case for religious debate here, encourage her belief as it seem to help.
Don't understand why you posted this one, especially with your wording of "atheist" and "theist" attributed to the same person. No need to respond modeller. Just let's ALL - put this sad aspect aside in the name of humane sympathy.
Best wishes,
"Why Go To Heaven ? "

Either you go to heaven or you go to hell. :)
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My stupid big mistake she is most certainly a theist.
//Why Go To Heaven ?//

Over my dead body!

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