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25% Of People Believe In Angels Apparently !

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mikey4444 | 07:15 Fri 18th Oct 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
103 Answers
Interesting article in this mornings BBC News website ::

According this survey, 25% of people interviewed for the survey, think that angels actually exist. You know, those creatures that look like man-sized pigeons. You couldn't make it up if you tried !


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@ Tilly I do not think Mikey would tell you off, Tilly. The Angel thing was only one element of the survey to which Mikey is referring.
I know the poll is about spiritual beliefs but the fairy I saw was real, not a spirit.
It wasn't real, though. You just perceived it to be real.
If I perceived it to be real, it was real to me. That's why I believe in fairies. I'm not sure anyone else has the same belief.
Unfortunately, real to an individual, doesn't make it real. It's a hallucination or a delusion
By definition, a fairy isn't real

A portrait of a fairy, by Sophie Anderson (1869). The title of the painting is Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things - purportedly from a poem by Charles Ede.
A fairy (also fay, fae; from faery, faerie, "realm of the fays") is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural. Fairies resemble various beings of other mythologies// from wiki
So what?

If people want to believe in angels, fairies or indeed anything, what has that got to do with anyone else? They're not harming anyone- leave 'em to it.
@Boo "So what?

If people want to believe in angels, fairies or indeed anything, what has that got to do with anyone else? They're not harming anyone- leave 'em to it."

Are we not allowed to voice our opinions now, Boo? Mostly, I could care less what people believe, and if Tilly wants to believe fairies to be true, thats fine - but more generally, I am not going to "leave em to it" when belief is asserted as objective truth or fact.
I should stay out of these serious threads. I'm far too impish.
Tilly is lovely. She can believe what she likes.
Yes of course LG, it's the derision from others that those beliefs cause that annoys me.

The problem with that Boo is that some beliefs are just, well, wrong. I don't see that it's derisive to point that out.
Tilly, ignore the people who imply you're deluded - in reality they know no more than anyone else. They just think they do. Tell me what you think you saw - unless you really are being impish. ;o)
I liked the Robbie William's song, apart from that I'm not sure.....
It's one of those horribly misleading statements that "they know no more than anyone else." Depends what about, no? I don't know more than anyone in general, but there are many special topics that I know more about than most. It so happens that my specialism is in Physics, which provides the most complete and accurate description of the world known to date. Nothing else even comes close to having both the predictive power, and the descriptive power. Tales of fairies and ghosts and such all fit neatly into the picture most likely as human error -- and until such time as this is conclusively ruled out in a theory that not only provides an alternative explanation but also makes a testable prediction that becomes experimentally verified, then there is no reason to assume anything other than the fact that all tales of fairies are just tall tales.
//my specialism is in Physics, which provides the most complete and accurate description of the world known to date.// ***!
Ed. I can't see what was wrong with my use of the word describing bovine excrement.
-- answer removed --
Khandro do you not live in a world governed by and explained by the laws of physics? How do you think these were arrived at? By prayer? Guesswork ? Something said in a holy book?
Hebrews.13:2 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for by doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

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