OK I've had a bit of a look but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense
//Buddhist teaching holds that a notion of a permanent, abiding self is a delusion//
OK I'll go with that
//the being that is reborn is neither entirely different than, nor exactly the same as, the being that died.However, the new being is continuous with the being that died – in the same way that the "you" of this moment is continuous with the "you" of a moment before, despite the fact that you are constantly changing//
Now it gets a bit weird
The reason we experience continuity is because we have memory - if you have no memory of what has just happened you have no continuity
Science teaches that memory is stored in the physical brain and can be lost by trauma to the brain.
Therefore there can be no continuity across death according to science
So we have a significant deviation here between scientific thought and Budhist teaching (presumaing Wikipedia has given me a sufficient understanding of the Budhist position)