Sandy - this thread isn't about man exercising his will badly, it's about awful crimes attributed to God.
A better question would how the recent storm in the Philippines (seeing as unlike most of the bible we actually know it happened) fits into a benevolent and loving God's plan. Personally I find it rather sick to think that there are people around who are willing to tell the people of the Philippines that they have just experienced divine love. And then the legions of apologists will say that this is fine because it offers 'comfort'. It makes my skin crawl.
Anyway, I once put the question of why God slowly murders David's baby in the OT to a street preacher in my home town. I was given a highly confused ramble about how we mustn't judge past societies by our own standards and that God was operating in the context of that judicial system. I asked him how this fitted with God being a) morally perfect and b) eternal and was treated to exactly the same rant again. I asked the same question, got the same rant, and went around in this circle about 3 times before giving up.