You know a study of time in the Bible to the expression year ,is can be A day for a year, a day for a year,( Ezek. 4:6)
And a Year, of the Ancient peoples, including the learned Greeks, the Romans, and the Jews, had no concept of zero. To them, everything began counting from one.
If you studied Roman numerals in school (I, II, III, IV, V, X, etc.), did you learn a figure for zero? No, because the Romans had none. Since the Romans did not use the number zero, the Common Era began, not with a zero year, but with 1 C.E. This also gave rise to the ordinal arrangement of numbers, such as first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), tenth (10th), and hundredth (100th). In modern mathematics, man conceives of everything as starting from nothing, or zero.
The zero was probably invented by the Hindus.
So viewing the stream of time from our present human standpoint and taking into account God’s promise of the incoming Kingdom of God,
My joy is in the prospect that a blessings of that day: “For there Jehovah commanded the blessing to be, even life to time indefinite”!—Ps. 133:3.
So keep learning modeller.