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Seeing Dead Relatives Or Angels As You Die

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Henrietta | 13:07 Sun 04th May 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
41 Answers
Has anyone been there when anyone has died and seen them smiling as they can see something you can't or heard them say they can see angels or dead loved ones?

I had a convo with someone who said their grandad started smiling and talking to his dead wife who he could see as he he was dying just as he passed away.

Is there something in it or could this just be to the brain releasing dmt as you die and a hallucination?

Is this proof of a life beyond? How do scientists know that we release dmt as we die?


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That's exactly what i meant, Andy. You expressed it well (writer?)
An individual soul would be able to be formed from the spirit whatever (my vocabulary is not as great as I'd like it to be). But you'd need to ask an expert in whatever belief being discussed.

I'm unsure it matters much how many. Consider the serious discussions on multiverses and many worlds and suchlike, where the idea of an infinite number of something seems to be no big deal. No reason to think a spiritual existence would ultimately relate the a physical experience when one has mass that needs to be parked somewhere.

And of course if reincarnation is reality then there may not need to be that many as they all go around again. In fact if time is not the same in a spiritual realm we could all be the same person experiencing this part of time for the umpteenth time ! Maybe there is only one of "us".
It seems to "bring it on" sometimes, too. It's not uncommon for the second partner (especially if male) to pass away within a year of the first.
Interesting, og. I only think we're reincarnated (or recycled) in the literal sense. Surely, even a spirit would have to come from somewhere? I don't believe in the afterlife for a second, btw, just interested in why others do.
If time is not relevant outside the physical then a spirit need not have come from somewhere as that implies a passage of time. If there is no passage of time, then something is either always in existence or never in existence. Your question is similar to that asking where the universe comes from and being sceptical that it could suddenly appear from nowhere.
True. Yes, you have a point. I don't think I can get my head around parallel universes and no passage of time. I'm too literal for that. It makes no sense to me.
The likelihood of there being an "afterlife" is infinitesimally small to say the least. The fact that there has never been a single verifiable contact with a "dead" person in the entire history of man should lead one to conclude that life-after-death is most likely a fiction.

But the idea continues. Why? Because people are silly and frightened and wilfully delusional. They are (for the most part) terrified of the concept of oblivion. They find the idea unpalatable and so make up stories about an "afterlife". I completely understand why people do this. It is the same reason that people pray and cross their fingers: it makes them feel better and gives them hope.

Unfortunately, there is not a single shred of evidence for an "afterlife". Personally, I hope that I'm wrong but all the evidence is pointing the other way - and in my opinion, blind faith is not a mast that your should ever nail your colours to.
One thing is known that when the brain is starved of oxygen or on certain drugs they do hallucinate. So it's not surprising that some people do see loved ones.
Until you die, you are still in THIS world....and seeing anything
Until the moment you die, you remain in this world, in this system...and if you are seeing anything you are doing it FROM THIS WORLD.Scripture states that the dead do NOTHING from this world.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.
So if you have not yet actually died, what you may seem in those last moments CANNOT be dead relatives...
THEY have to be demons MASQUERADING AS THEM.
One simple scripture answers all those questions and doubts...
Nothing survives death...
(Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.
No consciousness, no ' spirit' OR "soul'
But what about these scriptures...?
(Revelation 20:12, 13) And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. 13 And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds.
We are as nothing until Jehovah God REMEMBERS US.
This is where we are from death till then...
Then he can return us to continuing life...on the earth...breathing again...and without death.
(Revelation 21:4) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
(Revelation 20:14) And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.
A promise of no more death can ONLY benefit those who are to live on the earth...
the special 144,000 who have been chosen for heaven will have died to be able to live as spirit heaven with to them the promise of no more death is pointless....
(Revelation 7:4) And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
The whole world is now Jehovah's " Israel"
(Acts 10:35) but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

Disagree if you will but back it with scripture...anything else is just opinion.
See scriptures answer to Henrietta...
Henrietta, I don’t believe the ‘supernatural’ exists, but I think it's possible that the energy a living being engenders during its lifetime remains after corporal death. I don’t discount the possibility of the existence of parallel universes.
pugwashjw,// Nothing survives death... …Disagree if you will but back it with scripture...anything else is just opinion.//

I disagreed on the other ‘ghost’ thread. As for backing it with scripture ….

//And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him [Jesus].// matt 17:3

//THEY have to be demons MASQUERADING AS THEM.//

Nonsense! Why do they? You have as much evidence for the existence of demons as you have of the existence of ghosts - none. If you were to see something you couldn't explain you couldn't pin a factual label on it.
But we know demons exist because it tells us so in scripture !

Lo and God spake and said we shall have demons to counteract the good nature of man, and lo in the land if Canaan a demon was created and God saw it was 'good'. And he said hark unto my new creation and we shall call it "woman", and it shall plague the lives of man unto eternity. And so it was to be.
pugwashjw - "... Disagree if you will but back it with scripture...anything else is just opinion..."

Ha, ha. Wonderful. Thank you for making me laugh out loud! I don't think I've read such laughably idiotic drivel for quite some time.
Birdie, as pugwashjw requested I've backed it with scripture. He hasn't been back.
Naomi is a transfiguration.

So for you to understand the purpose of the transfiguration.
You need to go back to a conversation that Jesus had with his disciples only a few days previously. They were present when the Pharisees and Sadducees unbelievingly demanded a sign.

But Jesus told those selfish, wicked people Of that day they would receive only an earthly sign—the sign of the prophet Jonah.—Matt. 16:1-4

And also Jesus realized that his apostles too viewed his kingdom from a human viewpoint.

Naomi you have to believe the whole Bible to understand .(Matt 5:3)
Goodlife, we’re not talking about the transfiguration – we’re talking about ghosts, in this instance the ghost of Moses – or don’t you believe the bible when it says the ghost of Moses spoke with Jesus?

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