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Do Your Life Have Any Meaning?

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goodlife | 16:01 Wed 28th May 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
118 Answers
Take a man in his 80’s thinks: ‘My life is nearly over. It’s gone so fast. So little is left. Where did it all go? What did it mean? It’s all behind, nothing’s ahead. Except the grave. Yes oblivion. How pointless it all was! No wonder the cynic says, “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

‘Well, I lived a full life, you may say. Supposedly this means death is now acceptable. But does a full life that is past make dying easier to accept? Or does it make it harder? Would it not be easier to leave an empty life than a full one? No one says, “I’m so happy I’m going to kill myself!



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Lack of Bible knowledge DOES cause a person to think their life span is not long do all the things they would like to. And especially so if theirs or others life is cut short due to illness or accident. Jehovah's promises solve all these...promising an end to death that now we all experience...and for those who die, they are given a second chance......
05:16 Fri 30th May 2014
goodlife ain't going to like this one, but it neatly sums up my feelings about this topic:

“There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Better to die happy than sad and in pain.
nice quote DT :-)
this follows on, again Dawkins,

“I am thrilled to be alive at time when humanity is pushing against the limits of understanding. Even better, we may eventually discover that there are no limits.”
Gl, I suspect many of the people subscribing to this thread either have had or do have lives far more worthwhile than your sad stuggle to get to a non-existent paradise. As I have said before at least you can take comfort in the fact that you won't be disappointed. :o)
gl, you only have one life, unbelievable isnt it. If you get to eighty I can guarantee that you will wonder why you spent it all being sanctimonious and holier than thou when you could have done something useful with it or even enjoyed it.
I don't share goodlife's views, or his beliefs.

However, I like the fact that goodlife, and people who do share his beliefs, are able to find such comfort, and faith, and optimism.

We all find fulfilment in different ways.

I don't mind the fact that goodlife tries to share his beliefs. I think if you have something I your life that brings you happiness, it's natural to want to try to persuade others to try it. In the same way, I might tell someone that you simply have to try this amazing new restaurant that I went to.

And goodlife generates some good debates, and takes abuse with quite good grace.

This is not taking the pee. This is genuine admiration for goodlife, even though I share none of his views.
I mean ... something "in" your life
Jayne - remember Iris Murdoch and I'll accept this one as to GL...."Perhaps misguided moral passion is better than confused indifference."
It's like having a Crystal Palace season ticket ...

Misguided and ridiculous, but you have to admire their dedication.
Thought long and hard about this. Not by any means a definitive answer.
Why should life be pointless?

The ideal start to life would be that two people enjoyed their life so much that they wished to have a family and pass on their joy. Not to replicate themselves but to produce others who could continue life. Yes, very optimistic and I do realise that there are many people in this world who are not in that position. All the more reason for those who can to do so.

Life means passing on to family or others the skills or knowledge accrued to make life easier, less stressful, more productive. This includes understanding other people not brought up to act as you would. To change them or to accept them? An on going problem. Personally I cannot accept violence to others, especially if it is perpetrated in the name of religion. My problem which I have yet to deal with. I do get angry and want to harm.

Do No Harm can be very negative when one stands aside and realises that someone is harming another human being. Protection of others is important to me.

If I have been able to pass on any learning, factual, practical or emotional to another person and allow them to question the meaning of their life then I have a meaning to my life.

My slight problem with the "life having meaning" argument is this ...

Maybe someone can help me out here ...

Faith teaches us that our ultimate goal is to be accepted into the kingdom of Heaven ... because then we will be happy for all eternity ...

So we should spend our lives striving, ultimately, to achieve our own happiness. No one else's. just our own, selfish, egotistic, ultimate happiness.

By aiming to get to Heaven, we are putting our own interests first. Me, me, me ... looking after number one.

Which is a terrible attitude.

Surely, if we were genuinely good, we wouldn't care what happened to ourselves.
And what is the meaning of the afterlife? Any point to that?
jj, I have thought the same for some time. When I consider the suffering caused to others by religious zealots of most flavours just so that they can book themselves a place in paradise I can't help but think that they are the most selfish sociopaths on the planet.
Jayne, absolutely spot on! That's something I've said countless times. It is all about number one.
Leigh Hunt got it right in his poem, Abu Ben Adhem. People best serve God by serving humanity.
Sandy, at least we know that humanity exists...apart from people like goodlife.
Goodlife, I really dont think you have a clue about life in the real world, you are clearly deluded by all this JW. nonsense.
If we're wrong and there is no God, humanity will have profited a little from our efforts.
That should be reward enough.
Why should there be a reward?

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