1. Wasn't grizzly adams canadian? If so, would he and his bear come as a package? Maybe that explains it, who would want a big old grizzly bear rummaging through the fridge?
2. Hmmm I have all on getting my daughters to wash up, I'm pretty sure if I sold they I would be chased up for a refund
3. Yes smite them, or failing that offer them a burger and a can of stella to appease them.
4. Ah this is a hard one. Do they lend you sugar and teabags when you run out? If no, go ahead, who wants stingy neighbours?
5. Shellfish is a definate abomination, how anyone can put that horrible snotty mess in their mouths is beyond me. I'm now wondering how big an abomination my friend Joe would be committing if he and his partner Shaun ate shellfish together, dun dun dunnnnnn
6. I'm sure a few words in the right ear and a couple hundred pounds could get you a note from your optician stating you have perfect vision.
7. Well they could always hang them by the hair, their rather long hair, especially the temple hair, that would really hurt.
8. Easy solution, play with a poundtime plastic footie ball
9. I wrote all this thinking you were making it up until I googled the last one. I'm gobsmacked, okay I get the animal bit but erm, well - sorry i'm speechless, is this why the children of the corn killed all the adults?
christianity is a load of crap imo