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What Its “Right Condition” Means For You Today?

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goodlife | 07:36 Wed 06th Aug 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
48 Answers
Are you some one of goodwill? If you are, then you are one of those about whom an army of heavenly angels spoke in unison, almost two thousand years ago. ” (Rev. 1:1)

Why did those angels appear and speak? Because an event had occurred that will yet result in eternal peace to you right here on this earth that is now menaced with a third world war.


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Joke for best answer.
Goodlife thinks he does. Maybe he'll explain it to us.
Mikey for best answer, bye bye gl, enjoy heaven :o)
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What about my pledge to ignore future Goodlife posts ?

I will start it off :::::

"I hereby declare that I shall ignore all Goodlifes posts for at least 6 months, or so help me God"
already started Mikey..
Thanks jom, and please let me know if I transgress ! I am a bit forgetful these days !

More needed to sign the pledge please !
Interesting question Goodlife. I consider myself a person of goodwill.

It is sad that you have had so much ridicule thrown at you by the aforegoing. Obviously they do not consider themselves a "person of goodwill".
But of course, you have to discern what a "person of goodwill" means.

The actual scripture reads: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” - Luke 2 v 14 in the King James.
But when you compare it to other modern translations this is what is reads:
1) Peace among men with whom he is pleased! - Revised Standard

2) His peace for men on whom his favour rests - New English Bible

3) Peace on earth for men whom he favours - James Moffatt

4) Peace to the men he favors - American Translation.

On the basis of these different interpretations of this same verse, my understanding of this is that we need to be at peace with God and we can only do that by having genuine faith in him - we thus become "footstep followers of his son, Jesus Christ".
idiosyncrasy, in your opinion, just what constitutes a person of good will? All four of your quotes involve people favoured by God, but there are millions of people of good will in this world who don’t worship him, many of whom know absolutely nothing about him. What about them?

Incidentally, Goodlife’s bible says “Glory in the heights above to God and upon earth peace among men of good will”, which as you can see isn’t the same at all.
Naomi@What is the meaning of Good Will?

good·will also good will (gdwl) n.
1. An attitude of kindness or friendliness; benevolence.
2. Cheerful acquiescence or willingness.
3. A good relationship, as of a business with its customers or a nation with other nations.
4. The positive reputation of a business viewed as an asset, equal to the excess cost required to acquire the business over the fair market value of all other assets.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.)

goodwill (ˌɡʊdˈwɪl) n.
1. a feeling of benevolence, approval, and kindly interest
2. (modifier) resulting from, showing, or designed to show goodwill: the government sent a goodwill mission to Moscow; a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.
3. willingness or acquiescence
4. (Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting an intangible asset taken into account in assessing the value of an enterprise and reflecting its commercial reputation, customer connections, etc
(Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003)

So whatever version of the Bible you read, the meaning of good will remains the same, even with Goodlife's version of the Bible.

So no matter who you are, if you are not in a good standing with God, then you will not be receiving his good will.

Many people feel that they are "good". But again, what is "good"? The scriptures tell us that only one being is good and that is God himsself. Even Jesus Christ refused to be called "good".
idiosyncrasy, definitions lifted from dictionaries don’t answer my question.

//So no matter who you are, if you are not in a good standing with God, then you will not be receiving his good will.//

So someone who knows nothing about your God, through no fault of his own perhaps – let’s say a native living remotely from the rest of the world in the Amazon jungle - will not be receiving his goodwill. How hateful. I honestly fail to understand how any man of goodwill – and moreover any deity of goodwill - finds that acceptable. Where are your principles?
Most JWs only spend their time p!ssing people off by pounding on their doors every weekend and saying prayers. When do they actually do anything for anybody!!
idiosyncrasy, Goodlife, you are both hypocrites and do nothing for nobody except in your own imaginations and know nothing of goodwill.
Oh I don't know. A pair of attractive young women knocked on my door especially last Saturday, in order to give me a leaflet for the recycling. It was very nice of them. Lovely smiles too. Brightened up my day, and gave me a short break from my dish-washing.
OG, //A pair of attractive young women knocked on my door especially last Saturday, in order to give me a leaflet for the recycling.//

but do you still think the same way when it is two crusty old birds banging on about their ideas on how to live your life and don't understand the word "NO"
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Sorry, but this is gibberish
But the crusty ladies don't negate the lifted spirits the young ladies did for me ;-)
RATTER15@ I would have you know that my church does a lot for charity in many different ways. Far more than you do! It raises money to help people in all kinds of situations, in all different countries it does not take account of their nationality, culture, colour or social standing; whether they be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Moslem. It provides aid in food, water, clothing, research into medical and also educates!

Naomi@ We send out missionaries, teach people to read and write, educate them in many aspects of life.I currently have friends who are out in Cameroon and I know of ones who have been out in the Amazon forests. So really, many people have the opportunity to learn about God.
What have the poor Amazonians ever done to deserve being 'God-bothered' by a team of recruitment officers wanting nothing more than to foist a strange religion and religious practices upon them?

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