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Is Satan Real?

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goodlife | 09:31 Fri 10th Oct 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
168 Answers
What do you think, satan is not real,he is just symbolic.

Or satan exists,but he has little interest in mankind.

Or satan is a powerful spirit creature who exerts great influence on mankind.

Because each has its supporters.


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Khandro - "... 'Satan' is both real, and symbolic. Real in the sense that 'he' is experiential, and represents an aspect of our personality..."

Satan is not real. He is symbolic but he is not real. He's merely an anthropomorphic personification. Or boogeyman for short. The kind of thing that is evoked to scare children into not being horrid to one another. Think Santa Clause with really poor PR.

K - "... 'He' exists too in other religions, in Pali he is called Mara; the inner voice which continually told Buddha to abandon his search for enlightenment."

Just an anthropomorphic personification. Or a boogeyman for short. The kind of thing that is evoked to scare children into not being horrid to one another...

Some children never grow up. They never truly give up their faith and belief in childish things.
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I think you mean men never grow up.

The only way you can grow in knowledge is to use it.

Why is the world so full of hatred and injustice.

Why is there is so much suffering.

Why do we Grow Old and Die, and one could go on with the word, Why.

The world has been reduced to neighborhood size. “Impossible” things have become the norm. In fact, telephones, televisions, automobiles, and airplanes,Etc, and any number of other 21th-century “miracles”—are so much a part of our world that we tend to forget that mankind did without them for the major part of its existence.

No fault can be found with scientific facts that help us to understand the universe better, nor with the technology that in a practical way harnesses them for mankind’s benefit.

But some people are so impressed by scientific accomplishments that they elevate science to virtual godship.

Today a phenomenal, Bible-based educational work is being carried out worldwide by the Christian community of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

A education goes beyond the basics of reading and writing. It provides mental and moral development. In a positive way, it affects people’s outlook on the future, offering the basis for valid hope that what lies ahead will be far better than what lies behind.( John 17:3)
Birdie; The child can teach an adult many things - eg. how to be happy without 'reason'. The adult who has no remaining vestiges the child within him or her, is half-dead already.
\\ But some people are so impressed by scientific accomplishments that they elevate science to virtual godship. //
Who are these people goodlife? I would appreciate an answer that didn't include "look it up for yourself" and "you obviously don't know your bible".
A post of mine from another thread ref. the benefits derived from modern science;
"Some of course, but then there is global warming, nuclear waste, environmental degradation, polluted air, water and soil. There are acidified oceans, melting polar ice, oceanic dead zones, dying coral reefs, vanishing species and much more, all of which are due in some measure to the downside of science and technology. The mantra that only science can save us from these perils rings hollow to many, since it was largely science and technology that bequeathed them in the first place."
Yes, he/she is working in every branch of Tesco
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Jehovah’s Witnesses Yes, that is the way they refer to themselves. It is a descriptive name, indicating that they bear witness concerning Jehovah, his Godship, and his purposes.This is shown at Psalm 83:18,
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Khandro - "... Birdie; The child can teach an adult many things - eg. how to be happy without 'reason'. The adult who has no remaining vestiges the child within him or her, is half-dead already..."

That's as may be (and the not-so-subtle personal insult hasn't gone unnoticed) but it doesn't detract from the fact that "Satan" does not exist and 'he' has simply been invented by mankind to give the concept of 'evil' a name. However, "Satan" is no more real than a Unicorn.

Your use of chapter/verse numbers under things is confusing and misleading. It is customary, when writing, to follow a quote with author and title, in brackets and to follow bible quotes with chapter/verse.

In your case, the chosen verse seems to be entirely random and nothing to do with the words you have written.

I've never heard it said that the bible contains references to reading and writing, so I had to go look that one up. I found this:-

John 17:3New International Version (NIV)

3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

So, do you pick verse numbers at random?

Or is the idea that John17:3 is the main message which you wanted to get across but you feel obliged to fill the rest of the post with some non-bible words; things about the present day, for instance?

Khandro - "... "Some of course, but then there is [1] global warming, [2] nuclear waste, [3] environmental degradation, [4] polluted air, water and soil. There are [5] acidified oceans, [6] melting polar ice, [7] oceanic dead zones, [8] dying coral reefs, [9] vanishing species and much more, all of which are due in some measure to the downside of science and technology. The mantra that only science can save us from these perils rings hollow to many, since it was largely science and technology that bequeathed them in the first place."

1. The earth is not warming. It hasn't done so for about 18 years.
2. I agree that this may be a problem but you need to be more specific.
3. What do you mean? It is meaningless to make such a statement without further exposition.
4. Again, it needs more explanation.
5. Not true. The oceans are not becoming acidic.
6. Not true. Polar ice is increasing.
7. To what is this referring? Your statement is meaningless without further explanation.
8. Evidence please.
9. Species have always vanished. 99.999% of all species are extinct without man's intervention.

You seem to be saying that science and technological advancement is a bad thing. This is a position taken by deluded individuals who view 'science' as somehow sinister and scary. It's a viewpoint often taken by tree-hugging cretins who have absolutely no concept of where 'energy' comes from or of how much power can be generated by wind and solar. I find it laughable that people such as yourself regard science as a modern evil and something to be feared. It's genuinely pathetic to read such drivel typed as it is by a person sat using a computer, connected to the internet, sharing his 'thoughts' with the entire world, lamenting the progress of 'science'.

Sad, misanthropic cretins all.
Birdie; Again a bad-tempered, personal abusive attack. You put words in my mouth, twist what I have said, and then appear to feel triumphant that you have done so.
If you believe that human intervention linked to the advent of scientific and technological invention does not have a down-side as well as an up, then you probably stand alone in your denial. I have no wish, nor indeed need, to argue about the individual serious matters I have raised, which unfortunately have to be faced by us and our descendants, - that is if it isn't already too late. I suggest all you have to do is type "pollution of the planet earth" into Google and others will do it for me.
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Hypognosis @ The greek- scholars, the Greek expression translated “taking in knowledge” can also be translated “should keep on knowing” or “should continue knowing. The two meanings are complementary, but both are important. The footnote to John 17:3 in the Reference Bible gives the alternative rendering “their knowing you.” Thus, “taking in knowledge” refers to an ongoing process that results in the privileged state of “knowing” God. Knowing the greatest Person in the universe,

However, involves much more than having a mental grasp of God’s qualities and purpose. Knowing Jehovah includes having a close bond of love with him and with fellow believers.

He that does not love,” explains the Bible, “has not come to know God.” (1 John 4:8) and, knowing God includes being obedient to him, so you work that one out?
birdie // The earth is not warming. It hasn't done so for about 18 years. //

What utter rubbish. You are every bit as loony as goodlife.

You choose one of the hottest years on record then pretend that it was not part of a trend upwards. Read the science.

You criticise the religionists but you are such a hypocrite.
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It is sad when a trusting person is victimized by science, smiles, flattery, and actions that are only pretenses!

But it is heartwarming, when we know that we are dealing with trustworthy Christians. And God blesses us for being virtuous and unhypocritical. His approval rests upon those displaying “unhypocritical brotherly affection” and possessing “faith without hypocrisy (1 Timothy 1:5)
With apologies to goodlife, for dropping climate stories on his thread but, purely for birdie's benefit…

September is the low point for the year, so actual figures should be in soon.

Applying spin to the stats, deniers are able to state that annual ice increase is the biggest it has ever been. That is because it is a rebound from a slightly deeper ditch (September) to peak winter extent (February).
Winter ice extent is curiously similar, year on year but the ice is much thinner than it was in previous decades (as mentioned in the Express piece).

How many other floating glaciers are melting from the underside, out of sight of satellite photography? When they finally go, it will be an abrupt change and areas which used to reflect sunlight will begin absorbing it.

Note: melted glacier water sinks to the deepest parts of the ocean, taking some of the heat, which melted it, with it. If air temperatures are stable ("18 years") maybe it is because the heat is going into the oceans.

There have been some meaty hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones recently, haven't there?
birdie; If you would like to test just how restrained my responses have always been to your constant, personal attacks against me, on all threads, on all subjects, I suggest you now try calling beso and Hypognosis "cretins" and see what results you get!
In some sense it seems to me we all create our own demons. It's not that I believe they actually exist. It's the only way I can think of that helps to make the delusion of them manageable.
Yes, he/she is in EVERY terrorist.
When the American government financed and armed terrorists known as The Contra in Nicaragua, to try and overthrow the democratic government, were they supporting the forces of darkness?

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