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Do You Think Applying This Verse Would Help (Psalm 1:1)

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goodlife | 09:43 Tue 11th Nov 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
66 Answers
No wonder the Bible warns: Do not conform outwardly to the standards of this world !—Romans 12:2,

And when a person follows God’s counsel, everything he does will succeed? (Psalm 1:3)


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You know the new Testament that we possess today are not the originals. The original manuscripts written by Matthew, John, Paul, and others were well used, and no doubt they quickly wore out. Hence, copies were made, and when those wore out, further copies were made. Of the thousands of copies of the New Testament in existence today, most were made at least two centuries after the originals were penned. It appears that by that time those copying the manuscripts either replaced the Tetragrammaton with Ku′ri•os or Ky′ri•os, the Greek word for “Lord,” or copied from manuscripts where this had been done

But for attention of Bible scholars,Greek Septuagint version that existed in Jesus’ day had been discovered. Those fragments contain the personal name of God, written in Hebrew characters.

Yet the divine name appears in its abbreviated form in the Greek Scriptures. At Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6, the divine name is embedded in the expression “Alleluia,” or “Hallelujah.” This expression literally means “Praise Jah, you people!” Jah is a contraction of the name Jehovah.
How disrespectful !
I note that goodlife is suddenly much more comfortable with the new Testament than the Old testament. Now that he has been asked to explain a quote from Isaiah, he shifts over to new testament apocalyptic stuff.
Time to answer about god creating evil. Goodlife, you quote Isaiah at me, and I reject it. I quote Isaiah at you, and you just ignore it.
Is this because you are in the US and are still in bed ?
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atalanta @ Jesus teaching included principles that can help you to walk just as he walked. You find a number of these principles in his famous Sermon on the Mount. Let us consider a few of the principles and how it help you in your life.

Principle one is: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.”—Matthew 5:3.
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My bible has Matthew 5:3 as saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall see God." Slightly different to your version.
Do You Think Applying This Verse Would Help

Help what?
How do these threads attract so much attention?
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Where are all the beleivers on this site - is it dominated purely by atheists?
Yes Bazile
DTC, that was brill! No doubt Goodlife knows that the founder of the JWs, Charles Taze Russell, was convicted of fraud for selling 'miracle wheat', which he claimed would yield 80 times more than normal wheat. The fraud seems to be ongoing.
Mark 12:31 is the only one we need.
I would have included Mark 12:30 for completeness.
//Mark 12:31 is the only one we need. //

I love my neighbour - but she gives me the cold shoulder
Nothing wrong with a bit of cold shoulder. Better than a bit of hot tongue.
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What's a spiritual need, anyway ? I haven't got any. I'm perfectly satisfied with the material world and the people around me.
And goodlife's non sequiturs, for added fun.
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//Spiritual need, anyway//

To appreciate what it means to be a “spiritual” person, it is helpful to understand the opposite term, fleshly person.
Because it produces fleshly works, such as fornication, idolatry, spiritism, jealousy, fits of anger, and drunkenness and so on. (Gal. 5:19-21)

Inevitably, the more a person allows himself to be influenced by it the more like Satan he becomes.

How true this is! Just look at the world and consider its condition. The people are not really content. They cannot be, because the world is filled with evil. They ignore God and his provisions for life. As a result they are not happy either individually or collectively. One who shuns the world is happy.
When it comes to satan, I have already quoted the old testament where god claims to be the source of evil, so you have to explain how satan and god are not the same. You like Isaiah so much, you must explain it to us all.
And then you had better explain how I'd be happier giving up all I value in life ( friends, family, social gatherings, hospitality, study, etc ) in order to enter a religious house in order to shun the world.
It really is time you tried to substantiate your claims

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