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What The Hell Is Wrong With These People?

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wildwood | 19:49 Thu 30th Jul 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
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I have no idea and can not even begin to answer it.
Something very deep. It's not religion Daisynonna, that's their excuse for a reason. A sort of gang culture is my best guess.

What is wrong with her family for enticing her back to danger? Simply appalling, but from an intolerant society. Hard for us to understand.
Coming to a street near you.
Not hard to understand, impossible.
I can't look at it. But I know they're all cowardly vermin.
They are still a very primitive society, so it's very deep-rooted. It took us centuries to progress to where we are today, and the difficulty is bringing other cultures up to that level asap - very difficult. And we're still far from perfect ourselves - e.g. IRA atrocities, Paedophile Rings, Fox Hunters, all pretty primitive activities.

The misogyny shown by this example is also around in some areas of our own culture, albeit not so deadly in execution.

Like Talbot, I don't know the answer, but I don't believe it's bombing them, or persecuting them in any other way - that tends to drive them to close ranks and become more stubborn.
Keep them in a prison of their own making. Keep them where they are. If the historians are right they have had more time than we have to become 'civilised
They have been indoctrinated most likely.

The stoners are claimed to be Yazidi Kurds, of which thousands were said to be trapped up Mount Sinjar last August.
I can't believe that with a crowd of that size there was not one decent male with the balls to stand up and say that what was happening was wrong. He would not have been alone.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Edmund Burke

They're barbarians.
Is there any point in adding my abhorrence? - well I shall anyway. Isis calls them "Devil Worshippers" it's the first time I've found anything to agree with them about.
You can quote Edmund Burke, wolf (I'm actually reading Jesse Norman's excellent biography of him at the moment) but there really is nothing we (good men?) can do.
Khandro /but really there is nothing we (good men) can do/

But maybe there is hope, to quote Burke again:

'By gnawing through a ***, even a rat may drown a nation.'

A dreadful incident and no, I couldn't watch the clip.
^ rhymes with ham!
How many letters, ag?
if it's dam, I can't see why it's proscribed.
damn dam
Lol Svejk! Blocked in trying to describe a blocker!

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