Christians also have well educated people fighting their corner.
Professor Stephen C Meyer, cell biologist, arguing for Intelligent Design.
Dr Chuck Missler, former technologist and engineer, committed Christian.
Professor Daniel B Wallace, New Testament scholar and historian for the last thirty years. Professor John Lennox, Mathematician, committed Christian.
All have YouTube compelling YouTube videos available for your perusal.
Also, three hours long, the Rapture Puzzle, is amazing in its pulling together the sheer mathematical evidence.
And still Dawkins and Co cannot give a single example of evolution.
But he makes lots of money from his books. I suppose that is all that matters to him.
Invest a few hours looking at this stuff, you could get an eternity of joy from it.
God Bless you all.
Theland, insofar as you’re convinced you know who and what the designer you claim exists is, and how it thinks and what it wants, you are most definitely being misled.
If you are to accept the teaching of Evolution as true, you must believe that agnostic or atheistic scientists will not let their personal beliefs influence their interpretations of scientific findings.
You must believe that mutations and natural selection produced all complex life-forms, despite a century of research that shows that mutations have not transformed even "one" properly defined species into something entirely new.
You must also believe that all creatures gradually evolved from a common ancestor, despite a fossil record that strongly indicates that the major kinds of plants and animals appeared abruptly and did not evolve into other kinds, even over aeons of time.
Does that type of belief sound as though it is based on facts or on myths? Really, It a laugh.
Goodlife, how many times does it have to be explained to you....evolution isn't a belief... you don't have to 'believe' in a motor car to drive one or 'believe' in water for it to come out of the tap (faucet). Try to distinguish between fact and fiction it may help later in life.
Give me just ONE example of a species changing into another species.
Also, the Crab Nebulae, supposed nursery for new stars. Anybody ever witnessed a new star being born? Of course not. When gas clouds coalesce, if temperature and pressure increase, the gas EXPANDS to maintain equilibrium so no chance of the pressures and temperatures required for nuclear fusion. Yes, we see stars die in super novae, but atheists have to have FAITH to fill in the gaps, anything but GOD.
"And still Dawkins and Co cannot give a single example of evolution."
Clearly untrue. Mutations in diseases one can even see in the lab, changes in species within history such as Darwin's Finches, fossils from pre-history showing how a species either evolved fast enough (dinosaurs to birds) or failed, became unsuitable, and died out, the way the DNA shows identical parts in numerous species who must have come from a common ancestor. Evolution examples are all around if not willfully dismissing them. As a theory it is at least as good as the theory of gravity.
@goodlife. //You must also believe that all creatures gradually evolved from a common ancestor, despite a fossil record that strongly indicates that the major kinds of plants and animals appeared abruptly and did not evolve into other kinds, even over aeons(sp) of time.//
You are quite incorrect. The evidence of evolution is right before your very eyes, if you care to observe it. The peppered moth is a clear example where irrefutable evidence is present that these species have made a remarkably quick successful adaptation to an altered environment.
If you care to google 'special adaptation due to genetic drift' you might get some idea how minute genetic changes, present within all species, evolves into different species due to environmental pressures.
//As you compare Scripture with the physical facts around us, there can be no doubt that we are deep into the time of the end of this ungodly system.//
This claim has been made over and over again throughout history. Yet every time life continues with no sign of "the end".
The religious continue working towards fulfilling it as best they can by inciting conflict which is why we must continue to point out the faults in their primitive disgusting philosophy.
Bacteria and viruses can mutate into different forms within days or weeks. Scarlet fever used to be deadly, but it has mutated into a less virulent form now. It is entirely possible that Flu may one day mutate so that it kills all domestic birds; scientists know this is on the cards. Mass starvation and the disappearance of vaccines would ensue. (Many vaccines are made using eggs). One simple mutation making flu more disastrous, and vast numbers of the world's population could be wiped out. Thus Armageddon would be brought about by evolution.
And yes, mutation IS evolution.
Irony, or what ?
Several well-educated Greeks believed in the Olympian Gods. Theland, do you have any evidence that they didn't exist (they were much more exciting than Jesus Christ and his Dad).
Invest a few hours looking at Homer etc., you could get an eternity of joy from it (I have).