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Can You Tell Right From Wrong?

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goodlife | 07:16 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
55 Answers
Of course I do,’ you might say. Yet today’s rapidly deteriorating moral standards indicate it is not so.


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Your 'closed question' prompts me to simply answer Yes!
Yes. I'm right, you're wrong.
In what way are today's moral standards worse than those of previous generations?
Speak for yourself.

Puritanism: The sneaking feeling that someone, somewhere, may be having a better time than you.


Since these categories are human constructs all can honestly say yes and think others are wrong. And even if there was agreement on definitions, knowing and choosing to do right is a choice, so telling the difference can not be indicated by changing standards.
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I wonder if some muslim's can give an answer to your Post?
Just out of interest TWR can you tell how many on AB are muslim?
some muslim's what, TWR?
opinion ?
I can tell if it's wrong to kill /murder someone, I repeat my answer, can some Muslim's?
Of course, TWR.
I.S. ???????
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Quite so Ozzy - not all HGV drivers are murderous, unthinking scum with no thought for any other road user ... and the few who are should not blacken the name of all the others ...
So In my way of thinking, if they are that much into the Koran, they want to practice what the preach 1ozzy, ( How are you anyway?)
HGV drivers have to read people's mind at times Dave they are not all mind readers, if that point was directed at the Glasgow Refuse Driver, I totally agree with you.
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Can You Tell Right From Wrong?

Of course I do,’ you might say.

I might say 'Of course I can'
I wouldn't say 'Of course I do'

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Can You Tell Right From Wrong?

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