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Is Islam Taking Over The World

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nailit | 18:30 Wed 20th Jan 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
32 Answers
Everyday it seems that islam/muslims are in the news.
Everyday in the news we see muslim atrocities carried out.
Everyday we see stories about the west bending over backwards to accommodate their beliefs.




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spathiphyllum, is either Muslim, blind or stupid!!
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spathiphyllum, //Educate yourself's. //

Right. ;o)
and I have now realised which one!! ;-)
Can't argue with that, Ratter. :o)
I watched the Jihadi Next Door docy and felt a little reassured by 'normal' practising Mulims who showed as much -if not more contempt for ISIS as the rest of us- actually including physical violence!!
Tis a far far better thing to choose to do good in spite of ones religion that to choose to do evil because of ones religion.
Its because of people that think like you, Europe is in the mess its in, with the invasion of muslim trash.

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Is Islam Taking Over The World

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