// Stephen Chartrand is a third year political science major, hopeful journalist and author.//
oh god poor guy - my brain has turned to mush faster than it wold have if I hadnt read it
he has obviously spent a lot of time on a thesis/idea which is riven by illogicalities and non sequiturs
can you be religious and tell an inquirer you arent ? yes easily
if you say you are religious - does that mean you are ?
think Bishop bell who is currently doing time for abusing curates
[ you were closer to God if you prayed without any clothes on and the curates believed him ] was he religious or not
He would say he is and was
we would say he couldnt be
and no the world ISNT becoming more intelligent
which is the header that made me read this awful crap
There is something called - regression towards the mean
thick parents tend to have brighter children
and bright parents tend to have less bright
which is regression towards the mean
( the mean stays the same )
non sequiturs start at the headline ......