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As far as some atheists are concerned, belief in God has produced far more massacres and conflicts than goodness.
Some say they are Christian but in fact they are atheist.
Ironically, some people have stopped believing in God because of what they were taught in church.
Too many pews are filled on Sunday with practical atheists—disguised nonbelievers who behave during the rest of the week as if God did not exist. Such is the fruit of religious Christendom, which outwardly professes to be Christian but whose heart inwardly is far removed from true Christianity. In this respect is like the religious leaders of the first century about whom Jesus said: “You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you, when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me.’”—Matt. 15:7, 8.
They say they believe in God but do they recognize the moral value of belief in God?
An experience of one former atheist, who was a social worker, cme to be impressed by the Bible’s ability to influence lives He said that having spent many years, with very limited success trying to help people change behaviour that was damaging to them and others he found it remarkable to seer how dramatically people could change for the better.