Andy-hughes. //it has not been 'allowed to happen' //
I think it is being allowed to happen, in fact I think it’s being actively, if naively, encouraged. The BBC’s head of religion and ethics who goes by the name of Aaqil Ahmed is planning to televise Friday prayers from mosques, Ahtsham Ali, the government appointed adviser overseeing the approval of Muslim prison chaplains has appointed 140 imams who follow hard-line Deobandi interpretations of Islam, the Mayor of London has interacted with some highly dubious individuals and groups, and has deemed moderate Muslims ‘Uncle Toms’, and the west is stupidly accepting God knows how many nameless Muslim migrants who are arriving by the boat-load in the guise of ‘refugees’. This country has a problem that, in an ill-considered, rose-tinted, quest for multi-culturalism, is quite determinedly, being ignored.