Dealing With Born Agains
In my town centre, there are a couple of street preachers who regularly take to their soap box to tell us unrepentant sinners how awful our lives are without the love of a jewish zombie in our lives.
However, a local black, evangelical, Pentecostal church has taken to some radical proselyting on a Saturday afternoon, lots of loud singing, fire and brimstone preaching and in your face "Do you know Jesus?" type of conversations.
I was trying to speak to a friend, over the din of singing and guitars, when a young lady (bible in hand) tried to hand me a religious tract and asked me if I knew jesus. The conversation went like this...
ME...No, Im an atheist
HER...Oh!, Why are you an atheist?
ME...I read the Bible, its disgusting. If its true then I don't want to believe in God.
ME...Have YOU read the Bible? All of it?
HER...Er, no. Not all of it
ME...Then it would be a bit hard to discuss something you havn't read.
HER...Have a good day sir, bye.
I had no idea it was so easy to get these loons off your back. Just ask them if they've read their Bible from cover to cover.
How do YOU deal with religious proselytisers?