This is partly why I am sick of Islam. These people have money and still demand free halal food. Does any other religion get this kind of special consideration?
Poems of Catullus. Set book for A-Level, Birdie (let's hope PP isn't looking in). He also gave us "Odi et amo". Young love, young passion: "do I love or do I hate you?"
Also "womens promises are writ in water". But "mulieres" and "aqua" apart I can't remember the quotation..
Remember, Lesbia, (mistress not sister). That's from a biography of late republican Rome. Can't remember the poem and needed Google help. Defer to you on the Latin text, Corvus.
Existed as remnants. Anacreon etc. The program I mentioned was about the influence she had.
600 years BC we had Sappho. Then we had George Eliot. Then we had the suffragettes.
The 21st century? The burkah and the hijab. Hail to thee blithe spirit!