Hi christians !
Mikey - I hadnt realised it was Palm Sunday !
well mikey - this is what you proddos called latitudinarianism - the broad spectrum of theology allows one to say " but that doesnt matter"
I note non-christians and atheists wading in and giving us an opinion on erm christian theology - well hell - the christians on AB blaaart about muslim beliefs often enough and get it wrong
and finally are we hopelessly confusing
the Virgin Brith - ( that is Jesus had a mudder but no father - )
"And Mary said to the angel, "How will this be, since I do not know a man?" that stuff....Luke ch 1
and immaculate conception ?
Mary was born without original sin - she was never baptised see which abolishes or cleanses original sin - but bore jesus who most definitely WAS born without sin
yes I think we are
( even the protestants believe in the virgin birth - as one retired arch bishop of canterbury ( Fisher ) said to me)
The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (Mary born without original sin) was declared dogma by the pope in 1854 and NOT 1950.
The whole thing about Lourdes and St Bernadette
and the visions of Our Lady and the words
" I am the immaculate conception " - that stuff - is 1858....
[ the boys and girls were showing some resistance to the dogma]
so the catholic church wheeled out a teenage saint to say
" you better believe this you damned atheists!"
in Gascon Occitan (oops) apparently