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Atheist Gullibility.

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Theland | 00:53 Fri 14th Sep 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
30 Answers
Do secular materialistic humanist atheists ever delve into the evidence for their faith, (which is what it is), or simply swallow the drivel poured out by the likes of Richard Dawkins, or even worse, shape their world view simply because they did not bump into Jesus whilst walking down the street today?
Not doing your own research is lazy, and leaves you open to the next spoon fed populist theory.
What do you think?


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Hi Ozzy. I learned my lesson. When I am ill I will refrain from saying I have been in and out of ozzy. Oops!
Am OK for now. Been very unwell and suffered many family problems alas. Chin up though eh?
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Oh go on Ozzy, tell me.
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Love it. Some days I feel like puddles. Everybody, "having a go."
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I think it's the religious that are gullible.
//Do secular materialistic humanist atheists ever delve into the evidence for their faith, (which is what it is)//

No - it isn't. It's an absence of belief in supernatural gods. No belief or faith involved.

//Not doing your own research is lazy, and leaves you open to the next spoon fed populist theory.
What do you think? //

I think I've done my research which is rather more than I think you have.
Richard Dawkins is an intellectual Titan compared with you, Theland. You’re the one spouting drivel.
Any kind of religious fundamentalist, such as yourself, would still believe what they have come to believe or always believed even if irrefutable evidence of the non-existence of any form of god became available. That is because their faith would remain unshaken.
Dawkins has consistently - and often - explained how his atheism would disappear instantly if similar evidence of any god’s existence became available. He does not require ‘faith’ in what he believes and that’s the difference between you and him.
Poor old Theland, Seems a nice chap but totally delusional.
I like Theland and I think he's entitled to his opinion to be honest.
Don't mind him having an opinion, it's when he purports this sky fairies existence to be a fact.
I hope your health and family issues improve Theland.
// and leaves you open to the next spoon fed populist theory. //
you mean like Trump is doing a good job
or Brexit is the next best thing to the second coming ?

yeah agree about that
But that's his opinion Sparkly, that's what I mean. By the way, I like you too (lol).
// He (Dorko) does not require ‘faith’ in what he believes //

yeah he does actually
he has to believe in Induction - that if you do an experiment today - weigh an electron or clone a kudu - that the result will be the same tomorrow as it is today

David Hume in his erm refutation of induction 1800 asked
what makes you think that you can draw conclusions from your observations ?

sort of done a bit here

[ in Ab speak I regard intellectual difficulty of this post as :
"very very difficult" You need to know a bit about Hume a bit about the scottish enlightenment ( 1750-1800) and a bit about induction]

PS and dont be beastly to theland ( easier to understand)

Hi Theland, I was thinking about you the other day, hope you're feeling better and that you're troubles lessen.

with regard to your question, I don't think being an atheist / agnostic/ not deeply religious necessarily means you are materialistic.

I'm happy to say I simply don't know, I verge on my more logical days on being an atheist, although I do feel spiritual connections so I'm loathe to label myself as anything to be honest, but one thing I will say is I'm definitely not materialistic, and I can't see that the two ideas go hand in hand at all.
The religious I'm led to believe think of themselves as all part of some great plan, in which case god plans a lot of poor and sick people who don't deserve it. Why would there be healthy millionaires and people who have to watch their children starve to death if there was a loving God? I think the more you consider material aspects the more likely you are to draw the conclusion that if there is a god he's a nasty piece of work.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether others agree with it or not is neither here nor there. Everything is debatable and open to opinion. So this 'problem' will never be resolved. There is no definitive answer because we just DO NOT KNOW. There is no fact in either case, no cast iron proof. It's something HOOMANS will keep on debating and arguing over ad infinitum. However...knowing that doesn't suit AB. We all try to outdo others... Argue, harangue others and in the event...close the thread if it's too volatile.

I know I will not receive any comments on my post because it seems too sensible an answer. Life in Answer Bank is nowt, unless there is conflict and summat to generate hostile debate.
Dawkins' "faith" does not require a belief in a supernatural being who cares for us. If any currently accepted scientific belief were shown to be mistaken, I know that he, as a scientist, would happily accept the new reality.
As already stated, that's the difference between him and Theland.

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