No one on here has ever answered me when I ask why do Abers answer these religious nutters? Is it because people enjoy an argument or is it to wind them up?
If you denied the oxygen of arguing with them they would fade away as they have no one to preach to!
Oh well, whatever floats your boat....keep giving them what they want and you will generate loads of these pointless threads. I guess that's why you do
Dunnitall - Close the door and I will hear your confession now.
Do you believe your ancestors were primordial slime?
Was grandad an ape?
Many more questions in my new book.
Speaking for myself dunitall, it was because of people questioning my own beliefs as a Christian, that I delved deeper into my own beliefs and found them wanting. If it wasn't for others questioning me then I might have carried on for years believing this bunkum (I was young and impressionable at the time but matured enough to face FACTS and had no choice in the end but to jettison religious beliefs)
I guess that maybe I can maybe get others to do the same...we live in hope!
//They got evicted from Eden,//
Because they had a conversation with a talking snake?
You believe in talking snakes Theland? Honestly?
This is the stuff of myths.
I was a boat boy at the age of 6 officiating in a High Church of England 61 years ago. I was too young to eat his flesh or drink his blood but did I shed a load of claret when the over exuberant flash Richard Head with the incense burner brained me round my cranium. Blood running down my lily white cassock. Not one ruddy Boy sprout Cub,Brownie or Guide had a band aid between them.It was Church Parade Sunday for the 8th Hendon troops. Talk about Be prepared. They were no more prepared than I was for this traumatic experience. It has left a scar on me all these years.
Considering how I suffered in the service of your boss for a financial pittance (12pence a sunday and I didn't torture the congregation like the choir boys did for 5 bob a sunday and extra for weddings) could you have a word in his shell like for preferential saving under the circumstances previously described. TIA.
PS Don.t want to appear venal but it was less than the minimal wage and that head shed Welby has got loads of wonga that he has invested in Amazon and kept it under his mitre
So we have established that you believe in animals that talk human language yes? The Serpent must have spoken bronze age language of the time and the place and the donkey must have spoken Hebrew? Yes?