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The God Question.

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Theland | 21:56 Sat 19th Oct 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
81 Answers
In our usual spirit of mutual respect and friendliness, would you like to address the whole, "God Question?"

Is there a God? Proof?

There is no God? "Proof?"

Any general comments?


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Oh well, R & S is a totally pointless category then I guess.
Never mind.
why ?

of course there is a God
but only if you believe
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Johnny - Yes, pointless.
Read through the posts, not exactly a green light to carry on.
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and God be with you
... and also with you.
As usual, Theland runs away from his old question when the discussion gets too pointed and starts yet another new question.
Theland, your use of the word ‘proof’ renders the question pointless. There is no ‘proof’ either way. That’s all anyone can honestly say.
If someone had proven that there was a God, surely that means there can be no proof that there isn't one. The matter would be already settled. So proving God first isn't a valid criterion.

It's not obvious that one needs a brain to be self aware. Here in the physical world that seems a fair belief to be a necessity, but it does presume that there is only a physical world/plane and we aren't more than our physical body.

No, og. Sometimes things are later disproved. I, personally, would be happy with proof- but many wouldn't.
And yes, you need a working brain to interpret information.
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I was hoping to exchange ideas that we consider evidence for our own views and then discuss, but the posts so far have shut down this idea.
So pointless thread, pointless category.
Carry on please, Theland... I have never ever seen proof of God... please show me x
Ideas are not evidence.
^... and evidence is not proof so what are you talking about, Theland? Evidence or proof?
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There is no proof that there is a god and no proof there isn't. there is proof that people believe in god and others believe there is no such thing. Discussing this any further is one of the most effective ways to kill time - if you have it on your hands and want to.
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Six minutes long.
Darwins Doubt.
Major flaws in evolutionary theory.
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Ravi Zacharias says it better than I ever could.

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