The Newest Religion.
Have you noticed all of the component parts of a new world religion emerging around the world?
It consists of all kinds of elements, some of which are gathering a fanatical following.
The emerging leader of this hotch potch of so far disparate movements appears to be the Pope.
He has tried like his predecessors to promote Ecumenism, amalgamating all religions and atheists into one body under the banner of, "Peace."
Who can argue with that?
It is very enticing.
Now the Globalists are being tentatively invited on board, along with the Social Justice Worriors, and of course, no party would be complete without the Climate Change Movement and the New Green Deal.
These are just some, but not all, of the elements coalescing together for the New World Order Religion, and it gathers pace with every new conflict, or new data from the climate change community.
Add to this, the emerging cashless society, the more interference from government and corporations, and the stage is set, whereby free thinkers will be branded apostates and forced to conform on pain of economic isolation and penury.
Watch the news carefully, and you will see all of these elements becoming more prominent.