Our beliefs (or non-beliefs even) are based upon our present understanding of available evidence at any given moment in time.
I don't believe in fairies because I am not presented with any evidence (at this moment in time) that would satisfy me that fairies exist. That could change if evidence became apparent, or even a possibility!
Likewise for Unicorns, Thor, the Bermuda Triangle or Dracula.
So the question is, how can I believe in something that I evidently *CAN'T* believe in?
I dont dismiss the Bible/God/Christianity etc because I WANT to. I dismiss it all because I CAN'T.
What is so hard to understand?
What would make an atheist a believer?
I dont know. But an Almighty, Supreme being would know. And he hasn't showed up yet to convince me....
Does anyone here speak Hebrew? As PP's source notes, another translation is "woe", rather than evil.
"It says what it says" is meaningless if we can't agree on what it says, let alone what it means by that. There's good evidence that Isaiah 45.7 doesn't mean "evil" in the way you are understanding it; better Scholars than you or me are agreed on that point.
// Regardless of 'commentaries' it says what it says.//
so you get greater understanding if you DON'T read a commentary
righto! - I dont have to look at the URL bar to know that this is AB in full flow,,,,,,
[and if you think about "commentary" - it is never going to say: read the text. that's it]
PP’s research - from “A one stop shop for all things biblical and Christian” - a bit like Theland’s videos. Try the Jehovah’s Witness, Jim They do an even better job.
PP, Twice in three minutes on this thread. You're doing well today.
"It says what it says" is *never* an answer to textual interpretation.
Textual interpretation doesn't lend itself to such blunt approaches, not least because translation is often more of an art than a science. You can't just look something up in a dictionary and translate that way.
I'm blowed if I understand the reference to JWs though. The argument I and others are making can be found across the study of the Bible, not specific to denominations.
// But you don't appear capable of understanding why texts are reinterpreted.//
oh stop squabbling all of you - this is er meant to be a serious thread. OK you dont read commentaries Nigh, good girl!
give it a rest - the rest of us do ....
anyway off to Luxor tomorrow so have fun the rest of you !
Oh I do, Theland - when I am wrong but in this instance I'm not. I'm surprised the answer hasn't occurred to you of all people. Perhaps like Peter Pedant you place your faith in potty Christian websites and call it 'research'.