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Why Would An Atheist Read The Bible?

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nailit | 19:20 Tue 25th Feb 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
307 Answers
Why would a creationist read The God Delusion?

Anyway, Ive set myself a goal (always lived my life by goal setting, it focus's the mind) to read the entire Bible...Genesis to 3 months!
Ive read the entire Bible before, but forgot much of it, and after a few conversations at work (with Evangelicals) Ive decided to read the lot again. After 14 days I am currently at the first few chapters of Deuteronomy. Have struggled (but persevered) through meaningless chapter after after chapter of animal sacrifices in Numbers to meaningless chapter after chapter of ridiculous laws in Leviticus, with endless repetitions of genealogies and the endless repetition of killing animals because it is a *Pleasing aroma before the Lord*

I can quiet understand why Bible believers have never read the Bible.
Its Boring.
Its sick
Its Immoral
Its irrelevant

But I'll read it!
Can Bible believers understand why I will?
(for the next couple of months at least)


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As a matter of interest do any of you have similar conversations with your Christian friends or local vicars?
I don't know any vicars well enough to engage them in conversation, as for my Christian friends? I'll have to say no, as they don't continually bring various religious subjects up. I respect their decision to believe, they respect mine to not try and indoctrinate me.

Although, to be fair, more of my friends are either Jedi or Pagan than they are Christian.
Jedi and Pagan? And teetotal?
Most of my friends are geeks. What's being teetotal got to do with anything?
Just curious.
We all drink, but none of us to extremes. I was joking when I said Jedi, although may of us are fans of Science Fiction and Fantasy. A fair few of my friends ARE Pagan though, many of those practice witchcraft as well. (Nothing extreme though)
Witchcraft is the wrong word and makes it sound far too dark. Spellcraft is the better term.
And what do you think of, "Spellcraft?"
Serious question respectfully asked.m
Much the same than I do Christian (other religions are available) prayer. I don't begrudge it, but it doesn't affect me.

Look at it this way. Say I'm going through some kind of difficulty. A Christian friend my say, "I'll pray for you." Now, although I don't follow their faith, I appreciate the sentiment. A Pagan friend might similarly say, "I made you this good luck charm." Same response.

Same coin - different side. The sentiments are both welcome.
Thank you.
You're welcome. I half expected you to say something derogatory about Paganism. Im glad you didn't.
To read out of curiosity or maybe read to gain another insight? Idk, but either is possible i.m.o. some enjoy reading anything just to gain knowledge on a subject whether they choose to agree is another matter.
Greymustang - Very true.
Like Paganism, closely linked, I believe to Friea(?) the idea of the Earth being a living entity. Think I got that right.
I believe so Theland. Lots of love for the world around us. No Wicker Men built as yet.
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//The accusations / allegations are thrown around like a muck spreader//
They arnt accusations or allegations, its all printed in black and white in your own Bible.

//Refuting them with any accuracy would take pages and am sure you'll appreciate that is not possible//
You mean performing mental gymnastics in order to make Gods actions appear moral in some way?
//Refuting them with any accuracy would take pages //

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It takes a while naomi to come up with some plausable explanations as to why BibleGods morality is different from ours (why its acceptable to bury people alive or burn them alive etc) so it stands to reason that many pages of apologetics must be written in order to justify such filth and the abject immorality on behalf of the creator.
Just WHY the creator cant justify it himself is another matter!
Do as I say, Not as I do...
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I defy Theland to ever tell me how on earth its ever 'moral' to bury people alive. Not just the guilty but (according to the Bible) his wives, children (children for gods sake), servants, animals etc.
(Chapter and verse available on request if you dont know it)
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No doubt Theland will appeal to the odious William Lane Craig with his ridiculous ramblings....
The usual christian response because people are incapable of reasoning for themselves that such things are immoral.

So glad that I can now think for myself.
BibleGod is just as immoral as the islamic God that christians so despise.
I know the answer to the original question now.

Q. Why would an atheist read the Bible?

A. So he can pick it apart to use as ammunition in his favourite game: destroying Theland.

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