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Question. What Is The Meaning Of Life?

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nailit | 16:38 Sat 05th Sep 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
208 Answers
Answer. There isnt one. This can be the only rational response.
There is no *ultimate* meaning, although we are all capable of making *a* meaning of our individual existance.

For some, such as christians and muslims, the meaning of life is to get themselves a place in paradise. But this doesnt answer the question, it only removes it a step. What then is the meaning of a life lived eternally?
For others who believe in reincarnation, the meaning is to become perfect/reach Nirvana/or whatever but doesnt answer the question. Again, it only removes it a step. What is the actual *meaning* of it all?

The only rational response to the big question must be there IS no ultimate meaning. Each and everyone of us are only here due to a chance meeting of a sperm meeting an egg.
We are born and then we die, like everything else in nature. A zebra's life has had no meaning when its been eaten alive by a lion. A tree's life has had no meaning when its been chopped down for firewood.
I totally fail to see why the religious cannot grasp a simple truth.

I would love to be proved wrong though.



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Nailit, The life has no meaning argument is one from the pit of hell. Satan would love us to believe there will be no eternal consequences to how we live on earth.
Your meaningless life in a meaningless universe has no appeal for me. I wont be getting on board
Question Author
//Your meaningless life in a meaningless universe has no appeal for me. I wont be getting on board//
Tra then.
Enjoy your delusion.
Andy - I am simply repeating what the scriptures say, not my own opinion.
Either life has a meaning or it does not. Opinion won't change that.
Nailit - you are not normally so aggressive.
I was going to try and address your posts point by point, but that would take too long, so sufficient to say I think you have had a few, and you are talking through your trumpet.
Theland - // Andy - I am simply repeating what the scriptures say, not my own opinion. //

No, not your opinion, some other people's opinions - from a time when people believed that the earth was flat, and crucifixion was simply a common criminal's death not worthy of comment particularly.

We all have our opinions Theland - you do, I do, they did, but there is nothing barring that passing of time that gives theirs any more weight to yours, or, for the sake of this debate, mine.

You constantly refer to your 'belief' in scripture, which is fine, but belief is just that - it is not proof, and as such is endlessly open to question.

Not by you - but certainly by me, and neither of us knows who is right, and when one of us is in a position to know, history shows that a return to advise everyone is not likely.

I know why that is - you prefer to wish and hope.
Old Geezer - Quite true. My views are firmly based on scripture which I believe to be true, whereas others with a materialistic worldview, disagree, but offer no substantive evidence to support their opinions.
Theland - // Old Geezer - Quite true. My views are firmly based on scripture which I believe to be true, whereas others with a materialistic worldview, disagree, but offer no substantive evidence to support their opinions. //

Please advise where we can find substantive evidence to support your opinions - ?
Andy @ 21:02 - An interesting post of yours there.
Obviously, you would take some convincing that the scriptures are true.
But, you are making a few presumptions. Flat Earth? Nothing as far as I know in scripture would indicate the authors believing in a flat earth.
Yes, crucifixion was a common criminals death, and that was the whole point of Christ's life and death, to live and die as the common disgraced sinner that he was not, but assumed for our sake, as He himself was without sin, taking our place on the cross, so that Gods perfect justice was satisfied, and we could be offered the free gift of forgiveness.
But, I was once cynical / suspicious / unbelieving as you are, and I required evidence, which I eventually found, and found it very convincing.
Jesus Himself never said anything that the Father had not given him to speak, and I also never say anything that is not a reflection of scripture, which to a Christian is the ultimate authority.
\\ But, I was once cynical / suspicious / unbelieving as you are, and I required evidence, which I eventually found, and found it very convincing.//
Yet has never produced one iota of this proof, why is that?
Andy @ 21:08 - Yes of course.
What convinced me of the reliability of scripture, was Bible prophecy.
Both Naomi and Nailit have, in the past, rubbished this notion, setting forth bits and pieces of evidence to support their arguments.
But, if you read the prophecies and compare them to history you find out how genuine they are.
Their accuracy is uncanny, and beyond any human agency.
Vulcan, I am always prepared to present evidence, but as you know, I often get overwhelmed with negative or aggressive posts, which completely shut me down.
Its almost impossible for me to converse one to one.
\\ Vulcan, I am always prepared to present evidence, but as you know, I often get overwhelmed with negative or aggressive posts, which completely shut me down.//
Theland, you say you have evidence, we say produce it, it's that easy.
Vulcan, I repeat what I said to Andy.
Check out the prophecies.
Theland, please stop with the prophecies. Like it or not, anything that by any remote chance may appear to have any semblance of accuracy about it, hasn't. You have been given the evidence of that time and time again. This is silly.
''Time and time again ..... ''
Then for the benefit of others, would you disprove the prophecies where God has warned the Jews what would happen if they continued to disobey Him?
And then what happened when they disobeyed Him?
The Israelites, through the Levite priesthood were meticulous record keepers, and all of the prophecies were recorded, and copied, and distributed, as was their history.

God is no respecter of individuals, regardless of their number, but respects and loves His chosen people Israel, and also promised to show them mercy, and restore them.
This is all recorded, alongside the history, so is very very easy to check.
But Naomi, you insist that I have been told by you time and time again that the prophecies are wrong, and you repeat this mantra in a most authoritarian manner, like a teacher telling off a stubborn pupil.
Please desist from making unfounded statements and instead point out where the very history of the Jews, foretold, and then recorded as history, is erroneous.
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Vulcan - I have nothing to prove to you.
God does not need advocates.
Jesus commanded His followers to give the gospel to those who were without it.
As everybody on Answerbank are not strangers to the gospel message, it only remains for such recipients to accept or reject it, as everybody has already heard it.
Now you have a choice, your bossiness not mine.
As for your questions on proof, that is up to you to examine the evidence for yourself, I can't do that for you.
Read my posts above.
Your business not mine. Typo.
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