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Religion On Other Planets.

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Atheist | 14:44 Fri 18th Sep 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
192 Answers
If there is intelligent life on other planets, they might well have religions. Do christians here think that god would have sent them a version of Jesus?


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A quick check with google confirms there are at least 200 billion galaxies containing unimaginable billions of planets - our galaxy alone hosts at least 100 billion. Don’t you think it’s rather arrogant to claim that this insignificant speck of dust that we call home is unique?
08:00 Sat 19th Sep 2020
I just googled (not failsafe, I know)... the difference between micro and macro evolution. It says...

//Microevolution happens on a small scale (within a single population), while macroevolution happens on a scale that transcends the boundaries of a single species. Despite their differences, evolution at both of these levels relies on the same, established mechanisms of evolutionary change: mutation.//

Which means dogs' eye muscles etc, are macro... in that it is changed by another species?
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I don't think so, Pixie. By the otherspecies do you mean humans? They only do the selection instead of letting nature do it. Macroevolution takes much much longer than micro, but it does seem to happen eventually.
Oi, mush, I’m still waiting for your ‘more later’ business, if you don’t mind.
Thank you for your incredible, (God given?), patience.

(Oi Mush! - Its Brother Mush to you Sir!)

Apologies anyway. Life got in the way.
(Eye problem, health problem, family problem etc etc etc just like you lovely people!)

So, Jesus said, (paraphrased?), if you want to gain your life, you must be prepared to lose it first.

First will be last, last will be first.

In other words, humble yourself.

Other religions, and Buddhism, also emphasise humility and service.

The difference is that these dogmas stand alone, whereas with Christianity, this dogma is not a rule, but is based on a loving and grateful relationship with the person of Jesus Christ.

So how did other religions arrive at the same/similar thinking?
The answer is that we are all made in the image of God, and therefore have within us the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Do you REALLY belive that crap?
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Theland; is the Holy Spirit God? Or is it a different sort of spirit you were thinking of being under the influence of?
Zacs, what do you believe/think?
(Yes I really really believe that the posters are generally lovely people. Don't you?)
Atheist, no not the one in the bottle, but the One who can make us bottle it.
Well, not that I’m one to point such things out, but the Buddha was around a LONG time before the sect in Israel, so if you want to go to ‘source’, maybe you should start with him.
And God put His spirit into every created person including Sydbarrett.
I believe in myself, Theland.
@Theland........I am now finding your 'Christian Attitude' far from truthful and therefore can only be described as deceitful.

You have said........"Apologies anyway. Life got in the way.
(Eye problem, health problem, family problem etc etc etc just like you lovely people!)"...... But such didn't stop you taking a 'Boat trip every morning. (GMEB)

You suggest that folk humble themselves . However you do not appear to practice what you preach.

Also you say that..." we are all made in the image of God "....Does that include those who have been born deformed, mentally handicapped. etc.

You do Not convince me one bit with your piety.


Are we any nearer to sorting the other planet conundrum yet?
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Mamy; we've had one or two stabs at it. Lots of Jesuses etc. All aliens are made just like us, in the image of God. To me it's all pretty feeble stuff, not really thought through, but then it wouldn't be on AB where quick responses are the way it works. Still, people may think about things off line, even if their posts are off the cuff.
//but is based on a loving and grateful relationship with the person of Jesus Christ//
And what will this Jesus Christ do to you if you dont have a 'loving and grateful relationship' with him?

Oh yes, I remember now. He will torture you forever.
The usual apologetic is that it will be our choice. Hands up any non believer who chooses to be tortured forever?
Either God/Jesus will torture FOREVER those that dont have a loving and grateful relationship with him or he's a psychopath. Which is it?

It may be my sons choice (hypothetically) to abandon and hate me, but never in a million years would I wish to banish him to an eternal torment.
Your God is either a moral psycopath or non existant.
I don't know if you've come to any conclusions yet, too many silly answers for me to wade through, but as with religion in general opinions are split.

Some theologians going back to the 1600s have argued that there can only be one incarnation, whereas others have remained open to the idea (keep your options open, just in case etc).
Just wondered as these threads usually end up with pointed sticks being stuck in someone and others getting angry and frankly - no one is any nearer.
"these threads usually end up with pointed sticks being stuck in someone and others getting angry and frankly"

Or, as at 12.22 above, the mumbling stultiloquence of a station platform drunk.
Hans - The boat trip requires an early morning chat, is relaxing, friendly, and allows me to unwind without getting the books out.
That OK?
Hans - The boat trip requires an early morning chat, is relaxing, friendly, and allows me to unwind without getting the books out.
That OK?

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