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Remembering The Good Old Days

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Theland | 07:25 Mon 19th Oct 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
107 Answers
I sincerely miss the days of Waldo, Jake The Peg, Clanad and other posters from that era.
I hugely respected them, and their challenging views.


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I miss those days too. There were some great brains about! Chakka35, Lazygun, Jomifli - and although Birdie still posts occasionally it’s rarely in R&S these days. The section is poorer for it.
09:08 Mon 19th Oct 2020
Gee... Wizz. :o)
It's reminiscent of one of those Agatha Christie (hey what happened to Ag ?) novels where the cast keep getting bumped off.

Who will go next ? it won't be Theland because he has the perseverance of a saint. :o)
We're you ever in our band, Khandro, or at our parties aboard the ark - or did you arrive here too late for that?
Wyzard69 is alive and well and posts here prolifically under a new name.
Your Answer...

Shhh ...
Is something wrong with the answer box? I didn’t type ‘Your Answer’.
n. ?
Khandro, What? You weren’t a member?! It must have been before your time then because given the opportunity I’m sure we’d have roped you in.

Hereby hangs a tale. We formed a band, each member playing a bizarre instrument - paper and comb, shoebox and rubber band, spoons, a selection of bottles of water that the instrumentalist blew across to produce notes - ‘magpipes’ I think they were called - but I might be wrong. Mibs might remember more.

Such was our appeal that we played the Royal Albert Hall no less - and took our performing circus made up of said members - including trapeze artistes wearing baggy knitted, holey (dropped stitches) rather than holy swimsuits (sequined of course) - with us.

The parties aboard the ark were terrific. Anyone who was anyone was there! Hollywood, eat your heart out! All manner of food and drink - and my date was George Clooney. I kept the key to the wine cellar which, if I remember correctly, was situated in deep in the basement of a 5th floor flat.

Absolutely potty … but in among the serious discussions R&S, it really was good fun. Them woz the days! :o)

Can anyone remember more? Mibs, Theland?
JtP was a trouble maker. He would write something in the middle of a thread 'suggesting' what someone had said earlier (something they had not said) knowing others wouldnt read the whole thread and start laying into the original poster.

Not a nice ABer. Most others were really nice though, plenty of lively arguments with Mickey as we all remember.
The one I miss most was "Ethel" fantastic lady who sadly died in 2010.
Theland...I refer to your posting at 00.59 this morning and say "what rubbish you utter."

If as you say " God loves us" is that why he has allowed Covid 19 to prevail, in addition to all other diseases. ??

Incidentally, my prophecy at 00.43am has proved to be true.

Haven't read anything from Eddie for ages. :-(
I wonder if he is OK.
Has anyone noticed that when Khandro is on the scene, Theist Theland is missing.

A reason to wonder if they are one and the same person.

Both are aware that I think it and neither has denied it.

Ethel was a lovely lady.

Eddie has been quiet,hope all is well.
HansUrbancka, that 'link' is getting rather wearisome. People do not need to 'deny' things on AB. It is not a courtroom.
Neveracrossword........Your username denies you attitude.

Hans, //A reason to wonder if they are one and the same person. //

They are not. I can vouch for that.
I wonder if Eddie got fed up with being ridiculed.
I know he posted a lot of things as if they were facts, when they really weren’t, but he did seem to get a lot of abuse.
HansUrbancka, I did think of changing my name to WhydosomeAbersdemandanswers, but it was too much to type. I can assure you there was no crossness, just bewilderment. I've never understood the pecking (at umpteen posters) that some ABers feel compelled to do.
On a lighter note, Bobbi hasn't posted a thread for a few days now, hope she's ok.

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