Khandro, What? You weren’t a member?! It must have been before your time then because given the opportunity I’m sure we’d have roped you in.
Hereby hangs a tale. We formed a band, each member playing a bizarre instrument - paper and comb, shoebox and rubber band, spoons, a selection of bottles of water that the instrumentalist blew across to produce notes - ‘magpipes’ I think they were called - but I might be wrong. Mibs might remember more.
Such was our appeal that we played the Royal Albert Hall no less - and took our performing circus made up of said members - including trapeze artistes wearing baggy knitted, holey (dropped stitches) rather than holy swimsuits (sequined of course) - with us.
The parties aboard the ark were terrific. Anyone who was anyone was there! Hollywood, eat your heart out! All manner of food and drink - and my date was George Clooney. I kept the key to the wine cellar which, if I remember correctly, was situated in deep in the basement of a 5th floor flat.
Absolutely potty … but in among the serious discussions R&S, it really was good fun. Them woz the days! :o)
Can anyone remember more? Mibs, Theland?