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Is There A Difference Between A Religious Person And A Spiritual Person?

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idiosyncrasy | 12:35 Mon 25th Jan 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
61 Answers
Society is inclined to think that these lifestyles are one and the same, and on the surface they are. So can we be both?


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Idiosi... But the bible is a mass of contradictory texts which make no sense to the average person; that's why 'scholars' have spent over two thousand years poring over them to try to find a message, usually a message which fits in with their noble or ignoble instincts.
Idiosyncrasy, you say just about every religion claims to know the path to spirituality so why enjoin the reader to examine the bible alone? Why not other religious texts?
If people wish to put themselves under a heavy yoke, (thanks Atheist :-) , and worry about a rules based religion that infringes their freedom, they I will criticise for being so foolish.
Worming? Hypocrisy?
Idio, what does the Bible know about spirituality, that nobody else does?
Theland... many Christians don't regularly go to church etc, religion is about beliefs, not VS.
Pixie - the meaning of the word religion has I'm sure you will agree, evolved and means different things to different people and context is important.
An example of this evolution in language would be, ''wicked,'' which these days can mean evil, or, cool :-)
It does, theland. But that's not really relevant, I was just interested that you describe yourself as not being religious, while believing in god?
There you go, Theland. It's them .... it's their leaders .... it's them.

'Confused? You will be.' Bet you were a fan of 'Soap'.
Naomi - Confused? Not me. And never a fan.
Soap: Jessica's life would be just perfect if only it could all be set to music (rather like mine really :0)

Where words leave off music begins, isn't that kinda spiritual? Heine thought so.
Just naturally slippery then, Theland.
What strange comments you make.
In fact very strange.
Do you ever ask yourself why?
What is your end game?
I have a faith, a belief that I will modify if facts convince me to do so.
That seems to somehow irk you.
You strike me as a comfortable materialist who is spiritually insecure.
To comfort yourself, you try to bring others down rather than trying to raise yourself up.
Your assertions are often no more than petulant outbursts and you should try to stop it.
You never learn anything, and whatever you know from your reading, is left behind and never used to reference your comments.
My journey with God is going well, even if it is often two steps forward then one back, but it is my journey, for me to learn and make mistakes along the way.
I wish it could be yours too, but you are too proud to even try.
Hence, I presume, your constant sniping, which I can only presume gives you momentary satisfaction, and reinforces your atheism, which is your comfort blanket, and saves you from contemplating the consequences if God, in fact, does exist.
You can be religious without being spiritual (think of some who go thru the motions of attending church / mosque / temple regularly but do so for appearance / habit only)

You can be spiritual without being religious (think of people who worship from their heart but have never set foot in a holy building)

Or you can be both at same time.
Eve - indeed, that's true.
You’re having one of those ‘protesting too much’ moments again, Theland. A modicum of conformity in your posts would encourage the reader to take you seriously. See my post at 23:05 Thu. So who is it? Make your mind up.
Take me seriously? No, I am not paid by the hour, by the convert, or anything else.
I comment and state my opinions, and if anybody dislikes them, they can ask for more information or ignore me completely. Up to them.
But you don't like what I write, so you go the extra mile to ridicule me.
That's fine.
All that matters seems to be, in your frequent cross examinations, are laying traps, trip wires, nit picking and so on.
But you miss the central most important issue of all.
If God IS, then no matter how much you bar the door to your mind, and reinforce your atheism, convincing yourself that after death there is nothing, you will not affect reality one iota.
Your repetitive assertions are mindful of a quote be Thomas Sowell, ''Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true, but many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly.''
That sums you up quite well. Repetition.
I make no claim to be a scholar, but I recognise that neither are you, who I suspect is being educated beyond the level of your own intelligence.
You completely fail to seriously get to grips with the issues in any meaningful way.
This thread is a good example.
You don't have a clue yet you pontificate as if you were an authority.
Try some humility.
Try harder.
Oh dear, theland. You’ve tripped yourself up and smarting again. Par for the course. Cheer up.
// You’re having one of those ‘protesting too much’ moments again, Theland.//
and you are having one of those "contributing too much without identifiable content" moments again

in terms of the question - I have met so few religious or spiritual persons - perhaps you only know when they are dead.

short list: Bishop of Rome and ArchBish of Canterbury
clearly not an exhaustive list
\\I comment and state my opinions, and if anybody dislikes them, they can ask for more information or ignore me completely. Up to them.//
Nearly right Theland, ' or ignore me' should read 'but I will ignore them'.
PP, you are funny, you really are! You’d know all about contributing too much without identifiable content! What a card! :o)
Vulcan - Ask away. I'll try my best to answer.
So many people think Christians know all there is to know a about God and Christianity.
I assure you, I don't, WE don't!
We are on a journey trying to learn along the way, making mistakes, and trying again.
Yes, ask away.

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