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Prophecy And The Jews.

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Theland | 19:25 Mon 07th Jun 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
41 Answers
God made a promise to Abram, (later Abraham), that he would be the father of a great nation, chosen by God to be His own.
God kept the promise, but warned that if His people were disloyal, the many promises of great blessing would become punishments.
The bible gives the full account of what happened to the Jews, and the history books verify it.
So don't you agree that regarding the Jews, the bible is accurate?


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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
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How profound.
-- answer removed --
He thinks that making a man (hearing voices) take his son up on a hill to be sacrificed is a good thing.
Any voice (or god) that told me sacrifice my child,I would tell it to *** off.
You are seriously sick.
Some of the stuff that you defend in the name of your bible is abbohrent to right thinking people.
Say what you like about the tribe, they got the good drugs back in the day.
Im just about to slit my son's throat...God told me to.
Dont call the police, its ok.
He told me dont do it, (After he told me to do it)
Everythings ok!
''Put them sticks down Isaac, your safe now son''
''For a second there Dad, Thought that you were going to sacrifice me''
''Ay, Son I was prepared to do so''
''Yes Son?''
''You are a head case and ought to be in a mental institution and incarcerated for the rest of your life, and if you had been living in the 21st century would/will have been.

''But god.........................................................................
But God............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Theland, I don't know, please explain?
I'm interested to see whether "all" of history was prophesied. Or presumably, if not- at least accurate dates?
Theland, given the fury this has raised above, perhaps leave it for tonight.

As we've said to you in Body and Soul look after yourself and get plenty rest.
The prophecies by the Old Testament prophets relating to the incoming, life and death of Jesus were fulfilled during his life and death. There is a very interesting where John MacArthur explains Isaiah 53 to Ben Shapiro (a Jew)- look it up, it makes for excellent watching.
9/10 answers is hardly fury....
Theland, you say 'the history books verify it'. Isn't it true that many of your claims have been rebutted?
You seemed quite furious to me.

My advice to Theland stands, his choice of course.
However, might be best to let Abraham continue to follow Gods orders, even if he does change his mind at the last minute,
Never mind the psychological damage done to a child at the last minute.
It was just a jape eh?
Question Author
Yes Mamya. Its no good when tempers are aroused.
Sleep well.
Goodnight :-)
//You seemed quite furious to me//
That isnt what you said though is it?

//Theland, given the fury this has raised above//
2-3 replies?
Thats furious?
Its God here...
Go and take a goat, Burn it. Then take its ashes. Save them. When you have slit your sons throat, rub them in the wound. Then you will be whole and sanctified to worship me.
Thank you,

And that great nation is called Canada!
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Nailit, I believe the first step towards learning, is listening.
How do you ever hope to learn anything, when you greet what I write with a tirade of anger and sarcasm?
I can respond to any point you wish to raise, but I hardly see the point when you begin to trot out your same old tired rantings.
Talking snakes, lists of gods, lists of heathen holy books etc, are all presented by you as if you already know all the answers, and need no teaching from anybody, including me.
So, if you already know all there is to know about prophecy, why suggest I pose the question on a new thread?
Do you believe in demonic influences?
I do. Very much so.
Such influences are often responsible for depression, and various psychotic conditions.
And exposing the truth on a thread like this, provokes the evil influences to anger.
Reasoned discussion is out, to be replaced by fury and sarcasm and the like.
To prove the point even further, just look at the tone of responses I get from many other ABers at the mere mention of God.
Satan and his minions will use every trick in the book to keep you away from the truth, and where you are concerned it is working.
''God,'' to you is like a red rag to a bull, and you fall for the same old satanic trick every time.
I have studied prophecy, and continue to do so, and if you want to learn anything about it, you should give yourself the space to listen and learn.
Once you have learned something about it, you can put it to the test yourself, and if you find it lacking in accuracy,(once you understand the facts), then you can dismiss it, but with the authority of somebody who knows what they are talking about.
Until then, you should do yourself a big favour and begin to listen for a change. That alone you will find rewarding.
Mamba in her wisdom, and from experience, could see where this thread was heading, and so I heeded her advice and jumped ship.
I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe He can change peoples lives.
He can change your life, from within, if you let Him.
I will pray to Him that He might open your eyes to the truth, but when He says, ''I stand at the door and knock,'' remember, the door handle is on the inside.
You have to let Him in. He will not force His presence on you or anybody else.
In Him lies true freedom, and the peace that only He can give.
I hope you begin to listen, and put away your anger and sarcasm, as they are self defeating and destructive.

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