Naomi is right of course
and if she says the opposite tomorrow - she is still right
odd story which I think has been changed a bit to fit the times and the question - bit like the script of the NT actually
The resistance who are quite capable of ripping out the finger nails of various dissidents - but ask a British Officer to do their job for them. And in 1944 after Dresden, etc the British Officer says - "oh my dear chap we dont do that sort of thing still". The communists had buried their differences with the rest ( Francs tireurs and god knows who else) and now was the time to settle scores
de Gaulle found out a resistant had agreed with the local huns that they wouldnt attack them (!) and the germans wdnt um shoot them (!) and he had the whole family shot - onree, sa femme et le fils
tackled later: he said - oh did I?
is worffa read. even the French say 'oh I didnt know much about this' - it is in forrin sozza
better than vacuously discussing what you might have done if YOU had been an officer in 1944-5