If I was still an evangelical christian, I would believe that these were the end times.
Ukraine possible war,
Covid and possible quantum tattoos
rising cost of living
Much the same as when I was 15/16 at school and the threat of nuclear attack
cold war
and the rising cost of living.
(Oh, and AIDS)
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Not the response I anticipated Nails but what I really think is that you are right.
Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and decade has its ups and downs, each of which could be interpreted as 'the end of times'.
'The end is nigh' is a recurring, ever present theme.
... and I'm not really sure why this is in Religion and Spirituality.
Nailit, if Douglas' link was such drivel, why not link to an explanation you do agree with instead of sniping at all and sundry? I've never heard of "quantum tattoos" either.
The time I was most frightened of the approach of the End of the World was during the Cuba crisis. I can't recall being that terrified since, but of course one does become anaesthetised by frequent recurrences of such critical situations.
Define the beginning and then the end - my electricity supply perhaps, shocking that this may sound. Forget AIDs - under control, I would surmise - now tattoos, they are a mark of the times...
Nailit, I think you are an evangelical, you've just changed sides; like Saul became Paul. It's your nature to fight for what you believe. My preference is to argue for what you believe, not to fight.
So if they weren't the end times when you were 15,but you thought they were, what makes you think it's the end of times now? It really is terribly silly.
I believe we are very close to the Rapture of the Church. (Google it if you dont know what means)
Those who were alive when Israel was reborn in 1948 are getting fewer and fewer