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What Does The Near Future Hold For People?

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goodlife | 09:45 Fri 18th Mar 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
100 Answers
Bible prophecy gives us a window through which we can see major events that will affect all of us. One prophecy in particular allows us to see what some of the most powerful governments on earth will do. (Revelation 11:7)


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Khandro. The OP was about Bible prophecy.

The Wiki page refers to Christian religious prophecy. i.e. prophecies made by Christian religions, not misleading at all.

You've really gone adrift up a creek of your own invention.
Khandro. An excerpt from the Wiki introductory remarks.-

"Unfulfilled Christian religious predictions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article does not include predictions by authors of sacred texts. It includes other notable, original predictions, as well as predictions based on interpretations of sacred texts. Predictions written in major sacred texts are covered in articles such as Bible prophecy."
Prophecising the future = Fortune telling
Fortune telling = Witchcraft
Witchcraft = Paganism
Paganism = Non-Christian

Therefore, if you believe in those dumbass prophecies in that book, you may as well be Pagan.
'You've really gone adrift up a creek of your own invention'

Not for the first time.
Atheist; You Hoist yourself by your own own petard by your quotation; As I have said, these are NOT predictions from the gospels, therefore they are not accessories of Christianity.
Are St Paul’s works accessories to Christianity, khandro?
Yes, but where does he make predictions?
2 Timothy 3.
That's so vague & it's even an attribution.

Keep trawling through Wikipedia, - I've got all night.
They're all vague! That's why they can be so widely and wildly interpreted.
Khandro, that doesn’t suit you because you don’t want it to. To say that unless ‘prophecy’ came from Jesus it can’t be considered ‘Christian’ is ludicrous, not least because Jesus was never anything other than a Jew.
....." For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. ch19v10)
Trying to understand prophecy without the truth of Jesus is simply hopeless. Any Tom, Dick or Charles Taze Russell can make predictions and misinterpret the Bible and many, many do.

To answer the question about the near future. The near future holds for me a steak and kidney pie and a glass of white wine.

If you want to know prophecy get to know Jesus first
naomi: You really do talk illogical nonsense. To say, " Jesus was never anything other than a Jew", would mean that Christianity doesn't exist, that he preached only Judaism.
Khandro, you insult him. He was a Jew. He told his followers to keep the law - and he certainly didn’t envisage Christianity. That came from others.
naomi; //and he [Jesus] certainly didn’t envisage Christianity//

So, you are now even an expert on his thoughts as well ?
No, I'm not an expert on his thoughts. I read the bible. Try it.
^^ I'm pleased to hear that. You will know then that Jesus wandered the land teaching a new approach to religion, he gathered quite a following around him, so he was forming a new school of thought which wasn't the same as the prevalent Jewish religion of the day.

He didn't call his teachings, 'Christianity' but to say, "he was never anything other than a Jew" is wide of the mark.
Which bit of “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” don't you understand, Khandro?
are you talking, ethnicity?
They're not my words - but I don't think 'the lost sheep of Israel' can possibly include the Romans, the Greeks, or anyone else who wasn't Jewish. That message is clear.

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