Starvation and famine.
War & rumors of war?
Nation rising against Nation,
(Matthew 24)
And then we have Revelation and its
infamous 'Beast' system. 666 etc. (Ch,13)
(Everything from the bar codes to smartphones to chip implants have been cited)
1) Name me a time that there has NEVER been a time of
earthquakes, famine, wars (Or rumours ) or nations rising against nations?
2) what is this infamous number supposed to be?
All the numbers of a Roulette wheel add up to 666.
Are we supposed to mean that Roulette players are
The Barcode thing...
The bars are spacers (nothing more),
Stop making stupid sh** up
And now,threats of world war 3?
Where in the Bible did it predict 3 world wars?
Stableford: I don't find the Bible very clear and not very convincing; it seems to make assertions without any logical or rational argument. I don't expect the world to suddenly change and become happy.
Perhaps you could point me in the right direction. Tell me what the Bibe says about all this.
Atheist; "Perhaps you could point me in the right direction. Tell me what the Bibe says about all this."
I can't tell you anything you can't research yourself. The Bible is pretty straightforward on what we can expect the end of this world to look like. Are you familiar with Peters 2nd epistle? Could be a good place to start your research. The following may/or may not be a description of nuclear war. You decide.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
Stableford; The quote you give could apply to many things, not necessarily to nuclear war. Furthermore, I don't afford much credence to ancient writings - just because they are ancient doesn't make them true. Of course, horrible things will happen in the world; they always have and probably always will. Why do you choose to set great store to your particular favourite ancient book? There are many others. I suspect that you have stuck with the ancient book that you learned about in your younger days. I'd be interested to know how you found and read and accepted the Bible, if you're happy to talk about it.
Stableford, you say we can find out how it will all end by reading the Bible but we’ve read the Bible and we haven’t found out. Why don’t you tell us what you’ve discovered?
You don't need to read the bible for an answer read Malthus who opined that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, & will eventually reduce human living standards to the point of triggering a population die-off.
Look around, folks, it's starting to happen; earth, oceans, air, water... the whole enchilada is f*****.
Khandro; I agree with your drift; but it is avoidable if humans do the right things. What those right things are is debatable. Whether or not people agree with the need for anything to be done is debatable.
I’ve read it, khandro. Nailit is talking about Revelation, giving biblical references and talking about biblical prediction. What do you think he’s talking about?
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