Quizzes & Puzzles16 mins ago
Mosques Under Investigation
//Anti-Semitic hate speech is investigated at four mosques around Britain after footage of preachers calling for Jews to be killed and for Israel to be destroyed emerges....
A recording, which Talk [TV] claims was translated twice independently, shows the preacher saying: 'Oh, Allah, curse the Jews and the children of Israel. Oh Allah, curse the infidels… Oh Allah, break their words. Shake their feet. Disperse and tear apart their community and ruin their houses and destroy their homes.'
And more footage from mosques in Birmingham and Northampton show speakers calling for God to 'heed our hearts regarding the usurping Jews and in every enemy of you and the Muslims.//
Your thoughts?
Sandy, it's over 20 years ago since I was teaching about the Holocaust in history lessons and the first lessons were fairly mild, but explaining about the gas chambers etc., a Pakistani lass stood up at the beginning of the next session (80% Moslem class) as a spokesperson and said. "We don't like Jews, Miss,serves them right." This attitude is engrained.
I sorted it by getting the Head of RE in from the next classroom and looking after her class while she told mine a few harder truths - she'd spent part of that summer gong round Auschwitz etc..
I came back to a very subdued class, some white girls looking sick, and the 'ringleader' just said "No Miss, no-one deserved that."
I just give this tale to explain that anti-semetism is part of Moslem culture.
truth..once they have numbers, and that we are politically correct is a win win...i refer to midland police, bit on the abuse, oh well there we go, abusers walk free, and not deported, just carry as you are, COHESION erm, so say anything your racist. i think powers that be are afraid of riots, ohhh how did it ever get to be like this..weak
I find it absolutely astonishing (and frightening) that this kind of hate preaching is largely ignored by our security services in this country. Particularly because it’s been well known to have been operating for decades.
Before Channel 4 succumbed to the woke mind virus, they had an excellent programme called “Dispatches” which was an investigative reporting show that – in my opinion – far surpassed anything other contemporary channels were broadcasting at that time. Two such programmes were called “Undercover Mosque” (2007) and the following year, “Undercover Mosque: The Return”. Both of these excellent examples of genuine investigative reporting showed that hate preaching in several prominent mosques in the UK was rife. One of the shows so angered West Midlands Police that they complained to Ofcom. This in turn angered the makers of the documentary who then successfully sued said police force and CPS. The police and CPS had to ultimately admit they were wrong in suggesting that the documentaries were misleading and had to pay Channel 4 a settlement figure of £100k.
Ahh, those were the days. Honest, independent, fearless reporting of actual facts. Then, Channel 4 and others in the main stream media, folded like a deck of cards. Now it’s all pearl clutching, hand wringing, apologist nonsense.
The late, great, Christopher Hitchens said it best: “Islamophobia is a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”.
Undercover mosque -
Undercover mosque: The Return -
//I find it absolutely astonishing (and frightening) that this kind of hate preaching is largely ignored by our security services in this country//
It isn't though is it. Hence the question 'mosques under investigation'.
I would expect that all hate preachers are given long sentences, and where possible shipped overseas like the 'ave a banana bloke with the hook hand.
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