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The video btw was of Muslims hacking the arms and legs off Christians. Apparently this type of behaviour is happening far and wide and regularly in Africa.

No Jews involved, thus the general lack of interest.


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Atheism, compared to religion seems so boring, so empty & negative. So you think you, 'got rid of religion', & now where are you? 

answer, In a jejune, outmoded environment, which is rapidly looking outdated, with your gurus; R.Dawkins, Sam Harris  etc. a bit 'last year', a bit boring, tired, outdated & (dare I say?) 'uncool'.  

While the religions are just as awesome & dynamic as they have always been & always will be, that is to say;  limitless. And the Ayaan Hirsi Alis, the Douglas Murrays, Jordan Petersons, Tom Hollands Peter Hitchens etc. (it's along list) look more and more like today.


I never had you down as a comedian Khandro!

I'm reluctant to read the thoughts on religion by anyone named Theo...

//While the religions are just as awesome & dynamic as they have always been & always will be, that is to say;  limitless. //


The only thing that seems to be limitless, Khandro, is your fevered imagination.  Did that nonsense you wrote really make you feel 'trendy'?  :o)

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Mais l'athéisme est si passè chéri ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I never was a crowd follower, khandro.  ;o)


Tell me, khandro, what's 'awesome' and 'dynamic' about teaching little children they're sinners?  Or banging women up in burkas?  Or in dire threats of appalling retribution not for crimes but for the sin of being human?  Seriously, what is awesome or dynamic about any of that?

Khandro. You seem interested and informed about several religions. Do you believe that any of them are right in their beliefs? Or does that not matter?

Khandro - I think your accents need a little work

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Atheist: I'm interested in all religions academically, but the argument is not that religion is true,  but that it is useful, and that Christianity made the West unusually successful.

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passé -- is that all you have to offer?

Khandro. Christianity in the west did all it could to keep people in the dark and to keep them servile and obedient to their self-appointed masters. It has fought against rational thought and science. In what way has christianity made the west successful?

I have read and heard many adjectives applied to religion, but never those, probably with good reason. 

Khandro wrongly assumes (no surprise there!) that atheists gave 'gurus' because,  as a fervent, he can't imagine life without someone to be excited about. 

Rather like being a One Direction fan without the fun and enjoyment.

But no, most atheists don't ponder endlessly like fervents do, because atheism is the absence โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹of belief, so they don't waste time thinking about it.

And they certainly don't waste more time with the perpetual 'I've got something you need, which gives me an insufferable need to share my superiority complex with you on a daily basis' which makes fervents so mind crushingly miserable and tedious.

A Christian revival is sparked by the Holy Spirit and not by people. 

I am open to the idea of one last revival before the Rapture.

It will probably happen outside of the established churches.

Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett have all failed. God wins

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Atheist do you not know anything at all beyond your bigoted atheism?  Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and formation of Western society. Throughout its long history, the Church has been a major source of social services like schooling and medical care; an inspiration for art, architecture, culture and philosophy, and an influential player in politics and religion. It has made the West what it is, and we a re in grave danger of losing it.

The Barbarians at at our gates (and many are already inside!)

Khandro. Could you perhaps quote anything bigoted which I have said?

//I am open to the idea of one last revival before the Rapture.//


What piffle!

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Atheist; //Khandro. Could you perhaps quote anything bigoted which I have said?//

It isn't about bigotted quotes it's about a stance;

Dictionary  definition: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Khandro; I don't think I am intolerant; I'm not in a position to be. I do dislike bullies, liars, people who unnecessarily harm or exploit other animals, greedy people......

But I tend to regret their attitudes and try to avoid them rather than attack or insult them.

You'll probably be able to find some of my tetchier posts if you try, but there's no need to bother - I'll apologise here and now if I have occasionally 'lost it'.

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Didn't mean to insult you Atheist ๐Ÿ™

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