We are having a similar problem in Australia where it is illegal to wear a motorbike helmet when entering banks, government buildings and in some cases public places, like restaurants.
Muslim women in veils are often sexy but individuals (women?) whose entire body is hidden and, like it or not, capable of concealing items of public harm should be banned, as in France.
I'm proud to be a catholic and, though I realise that also means I am supposed to be an infidel, I note that nuns do not wear veils, are not carried in the back of open vehicles, not allowed to drive or own a car license or take part in sport (Kuwait), and treated as servants to their husbands. I also realise that not all Muslims are of Arabic decent.
Amazingly, the same people who want to increase the rights of women are the same people supporting a system that belongs in the middle ages.
You have also allowed Muslims to have their own system of law, taking precedence over British law which doesn't make sense. They left their country of birth for a reason and should be grateful and try to assimilate into the country, and society, that gave them a new home.
Like most Aussies, I have Muslim friends who are as worried as I am, that radical elements of their religion do not regard god as a loving god, and give their brethren a bad name.
Some years ago, all Irishmen were feared as possible terrorists, although the trouble came from only a radical few. You can't blame people for being wary, by association, of those who defy the so-called norm or have the same appearance as the radicals we see on TV.
We should also remember the Jewish Stern gang who helped destabilise Palestine by killing English soldiers in cafe's, causing England to abandon the Palestinians and make way for a new Jewish state. You see, everyone is capable of doing terrible things to establish their will.
I'm also angry that Indonesian Muslims caused the Bali bombing killing innocent tourists