One could surmise that the interpretation I have given demonstrates the ability of freedom of thought, fanciful perhaps. But another could propose that seeing things one-dimensionally as in the original question, demonstrates a lack of imagination, an inability to read and interpret hitoric texts and perhaps simple mindedness? I am not saying I am right, just offering a potential explanation to the original Q.
In Proverbs, we are told to read and understand the Bible in a plain or straightforward manner. This is usually what people mean when they say �literal interpretation of the Bible� (this phrase is common among those not well-versed in hermeneutics).
Reading the Bible �plainly� means understanding that literal history is literal history, metaphors are metaphors, poetry is poetry, etc. The Bible is written in many different literary styles and should be read accordingly. This is why we understand that Genesis records actual historical events. It was written as historical narrative.