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Saying A Prayer

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Theland | 04:30 Tue 26th Dec 2006 | Religion & Spirituality
24 Answers
Did you pray over Christmas?


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no theland i didn't.

I'm curious though - did you get all you prayed for?

have you ever had anything that you prayed for?
has it ever actually worked?

and i mean things that can only be attributed to prayer, not be explained quite easily

do tell.
As Theland is not around at the moment joko, perhaps you will allow me to answer your questions in the belief that Theland's will be similar to mine.

Prayer is an all-the-time, everyday thing for Christians not just for Sundays or Christmas, so if you believe Jesus when he said "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" then it will be so. If Christians don't believe what He said, then it's all been a total waste of time - including His death and ressurrection, as this is the very heart of the Gospel. Not only that but millions around the world are living under false promises and expectations!

Have I had anything I've prayed for - unexplained and only attributed to prayer? Oh yes,all the time, but it can be explained as - faith. Some things I want immediately being human, but God's timing is perfect, so the answer comes at exactly the right time and when I least expect it - which is pretty exciting!
yup I did . . . still no Lamborghini dam it!
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joko - Yes, I pray all of the time, and my most fervent prayers are for the people I pray for to be shown the reality of God, and to understand the forgiveness freely given by His Son Jesus.

I prayed for my needs to be met, and so far, they have been.

Yes, I have experienced answered prayer, sometimes even unexpected financial blessings that have literally come, "in the nick of time," and fulfilled my needs accurately to the penny. An uncanny coincidence? I do not believe so.

Sometimes I have experienced Gods grace to sustain me through very difficult times, often but not always accompanied by a deep sense of peace, and I believe, His presence.

I cannot disagree with anything that Cetti has said in the post following yours.

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