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Islamic Retreat in Spain

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naomi24 | 17:55 Tue 27th Feb 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
2 Answers
Did anyone watch the first of the new documentary series last night about the Islamic retreat in Andalucia, and if so, what was your impression?


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That all the chanting and trances represented a very strong Sufi influence and so is probably pretty unrepresentitive of the majority of Islam.

I rather get the feeling that the group may have been picked to deliberatly but subtly rub each other up the wrong way I felt there were slightly disturbing "Big Brother Household" influences
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Yes, I thought it rather 'Big Brother House' too - but what struck me most was the medieval feel of it all. All that chanting reminded me of something out of the dark ages, which I suppose it is. Quite unnerving.

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Islamic Retreat in Spain

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