Do you really believe?????? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Do you really believe??????

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stevie1time | 13:38 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
39 Answers
Hello all,my question is basically about one thing,i am not out to judge anybody,nor offend or ridicule... all i want to know is,that with modern day technology,modern views and changing times. Also going on the more acceptable Darwin's theory of evolution,is there anybody out there who TRULY believes in Adam and Eve????
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Even without modern day technology, Darwin's Theory and changing times my view on whether Adam and Eve is a credible story would still be a resounding, "No".
It's an antiquated attempt at telling the creation of the human species.
I worked with a guy who actually believed in creationism. If anyone mentioned evolution he would pick you up on it, & go into his well rehearsed spiel. He actually believed that fossils were put there by God!! In his younger days he was into satanism, but he became a born again Christian, & spent most of his time converting satanists into Christians. I worked with him for a couple of weeks or so...it seemed like a year.
Why do religions seem to attract people like this. The sort who never think they are wrong...EVER!!
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great stuff,cant imagine what it was like to work with someone like that carrust! id be pulling my hair out..Looking forward to hearing the views(and explanations)of someone who does!!!
I think the answer to the question really depends upon your interpretation of scripture. Besides literalists and Mormons most Christians see this story as being symbolic rather than something that literally happend. If you delve a bit deeper into theology it becomes clear that this story is a message representing God's relationship with mankind. The idea that man instantly came in the form of an Adam and Eve 6000 years ago is simply not based in fact, It's mythology.

It's actually not contradictory for Christians to believe in evolution, The Vatican's Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:

"God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days of divine 'work', concluded by the 'rest' of the seventh day. [Gen 1:l - 2:4 .]

This means that the creation week was not 7 literal days of 24 hours, but rather that the days are symbolic, introducing the view that these symbolic days were longer periods of time, perhaps millions of years, possibly bringing the creation account into harmony with the modern scientific dogma of human evolution requires vast period of time, and a very old Earth. If you accept the Bible as true, then what possible evidence is there that would invalidate evolution?
It is strange that Literalists can read the bible and read all the parables of Jesus and not make the connection with so many Old Testament stories.

Although I might be wrong - Do any of the bible literalists believe the parables of Jesus actually hapened?
I don't believe in Adam and Eve as we are taught, but even though the authors of the old testament were incapable of describing events from the point of view of science or physics, I do believe that the bible, and other ancient texts, have given us clues into what really happened on earth in the distant past. This is one example that is never talked about, but that I find rather puzzling.

From the biblical account of the creation, it seems that in the beginning, two types of man were created. Genesis tells us that after god created everything, including man (in his likeness), he rested. Fine up until now - all done. But speed on a couple of verses to Genesis 2.5 where it tells you that "there was not a man to till the ground", so god created Adam (from the dust of the ground). This is the first reference to Adam. How odd! God had already created man (and 'man' could mean the race of man rather than one man), but suddenly he found there was no one to do the work, so he created a servant, (or perhaps a race of servants?) called Adam - and as we know, he then went on to create Eve from Adam's rib.

Science is certain that in the grand scale of things, man gained his intelligence over an incredibly short period of time, so a few apes, a bit of genetic engineering and perhaps evolution took over from there? That could, of course, also explain the long sought missing link between man and the apes. Who knows?
Missing link? Theland will be along soon enough...
Oops. :o)
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I am not religous,i dont think any religion can say they are or they are wrong,i am not an atheist though,i do believe that there is something out,but we will only find out when we we are dead. But i think with the bible and other old texts,and i hope other people agree with,its like chinese whisper,surely some if not alot has changed over the years,i mean if the bible says its wrong to be homosexual,but then because of modern times and attitudes its now ok,or like with women priests etc etc, how can people follow or believe something if it keeps changing to suit the times..Also for instance the muslim faith,apparently the only way to heaven,(not that i think there is such a place)is through the muslim faith,and the rest of us non-muslims will burn in the fires of hell,and how come is it that you can have good muslim and a terrorist muslim,two different paths but yet the same faith. I am not singleing out the muslim faith,there may be similar attributes in other religions,its just the one that i know a little about...Sorry ive drifted away from the original subject...
how did adam know where to put it. hehehe just kidding but seriously he bit the apple and then decided he knew everything about how to make a baby.......one ponders for a second........no i do not believe in adam and eve. but nothing has happened to me to make me believe.
it all may be real but its hard to belive in something i haver never experianced x x x any offence caused by my message is completely unintentional . love yas
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The way i look at it is,you can spend your whole life,praying,being a good person(whatever that is),not doing wrong,you know like murder or something like that,i am not sure,correct me,but in some religions your not supposed to have it off are you??? How can that be?? Anyway imagine spending you whole life commited to your faith,only to find that you was wrong??What a wounder that would be, SO i tend to enjoy myself,you know living a life of excess whilst i am stiil young,plenty of the you know what(i wish),not have to follow any faith,but still be a good person,and take the 50/50 chance when i die,who knows my life may be the right way to heaven..I think what i am trying to say is that no one knows for sure until you are dead..
Approaching this obliquely, I have no doubt that Jonah was never swallowed by a whale. The main purpose of the story is to underpin Jesus many years later

"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Mt 12:40)

I don't think it was 3 days and 3 nights, more like 2 nights and 1 day and a bit, but it still works for me.

The missing link arrives! ....
.... or rather, the tethered goat, being circled by a hungry pride of bloodthirsty carnivores.

Ouch! Wizard69 - It's a good job my skin is not as thin as some might believe!

I think i might change your name to, "sparring partner."

Yes, I think it is just as legitimate to believe in Adam and Eve, as it is to believe in an old earth, evolution and abiogenesis.


Well, for a start, just as one of you carnivores once remarked that the origin of the big bang, and the proof of abiogenesis was not conclusive, yet, as science had not yet, but would one day, delivered the evidence, then I would also say that science has not yet concluded that it knows the nature of space, time, and the speed of light, to consistently state that we live on an old earth.
The Australian, Setterfield was thinking along these lines, and his work has initiated some further thinking amongst scientists, that calls into question, the nature of the conditions, "in the beginning."
When Christians accept Christ into their lives, the Bible promises that they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

What does this mean?

It does not mean that Christians become powerful in a human sense, but it does mean that they receive the gift of assurance of salvation.

This also cannot be taken into the laboratory and put under a microscope for casual examination, but it is as real to me as your love for your partner and children is for you.

So, with this assurance comes a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and His belief that the Genesis account is true.
Whiffy, by your admission the prophecy doesn't fit the bill, so what's the point in quoting it?

And according to that, it's the only prophecy that will fit the bill, so where does that leave all the other biblical prophecies?

A hungry pride of bloodthirsty carnivores? Oh Theland, you are so hurtful at times. Grrrrrrrrrr .......

Are you serious about believing in Adam and Eve - that they were the first two people on earth?
So Theland, you see the bible as literal, even though it was decided (basically by committee) in the 3rd century what texts to include. Strange, that for a self proclaimed Christian who attacks other Christian beliefs because they have built up their own church rules, that you decide to follow the rules of a man-made belief system. Just a thought (I know you'll have a well reasoned answer to this)

As for Adam& Eve, it's no more credible than the Creation theories of any major religion. Note that although the Old Testament - the one Christians apparently believe in, yet the one that was to be superseded by Jesus...? - was basically based on Hebrew beliefs, Adam's first wife was Lilith in actual Jewish mythology.
naomi24 - No hurt is ever intended, as you know.

Yes, I really do believe in the Genesis account, even if popes and archbishops do not.

I have great respect for science, but as I said, I don't think all of the evidence is in ... yet.

While we wait for the evidence, we can speculate on the outcome, that is, have faith in the outcome.

That is why, big bang, evolution, abiogenesisetc is often referred to as a faith, just like mine.
Whickerman - You are a fairly recent sparring partner, although I guess you've been on AB far longer than I.

You, and others like you who frequent this topic have my thanks for keeping it going, as it is a great alternative to B & S isn't it?

I do not consciously follow a man made belief system, as I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, whereas other, "religions" take the bible and then add to it, or subtract from it. So I believe.

(I can hear Wizard69 shouting, "Yes Theland" We know you bl***y well believe - just answer the bl**dy question!) He's great isn't he? Frothy!

It probably seems like a circular argument, I make no apology for that, but, I am assured that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that what I know of the New Testament fits the bill with regard to Him. Then, He also believed the Genesis account. So, if it's good enough for Him, well, do you see what I mean?

Theland, no I'm sure you don't, and no offence taken, but whilst it's so very interesting to discuss religion, it's nice to lighten the mood sometimes with a little joke or two, don't you think?

Right, back to the serious stuff. Whickerman is right of course. According to Jewish legend Lilith was Adam's first wife, but as your belief relates solely to the biblical accounts, what's your explanation for Cain going off to the Land of Nod and marrying there. If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, and they had two sons, one of whom murdered the other, where did Cain's wife come from?

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