Mani, your views on divorce are irrelevant to me, except when you bang on with your sanctimonious drivel and brand someone who's remarried after going through a violent first marriage, seeing her children terrorised by a drunken madman, as an adulteress and a sinner. Then it makes me angry because you don't have a clue. However, I vented my anger in the 'sex before marriage' question, so enough of that.
No, I haven't got it in for you. My views on Christianity haven't changed and if you'd read my previous posts on the subject, in particular with relation to children being branded sinners from birth, you would know that. To implant ideas of eternal hell into little children's minds is evil - and it is child abuse. As I explained to you, I have found my own peace and my own spirituality. God isn't inside any book or any church or in any preacher's teaching - he's inside us and all around us, but you wouldn't understand that, so enough of that too.
I asked you to specifically read Chakka's post in the hope that you would take the blinkers off and realise what the bible really contains. I know you've been studying Christianity in the worst of all its aspects, in my opinion, for a few years, and you seem completely obsessed with the idea of sin, repentance, and with hell and damnation. You appear to believe anything you're told, as long as it comes from what you perceive to be a Christian Born Again source. For example, you said you would never marry a divorced woman, because that would be tantamount to committing adultery, but as soon as Theland, whom for some strange reason, you seem to hero worship, said that it was ok for a loving couple to live together unmarried, you changed your mind and said you would marry a divorced woman as long as she hadn't been married the first time in church.
You seem pretty confused to me, Mani, and I'm not surprised if you're with the cult of the Born Again brigade - but that's