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Hi chaps, I've hosted a great dinner tonight, my lovely guests have now departed and it's gone 1.30am, but since copious amounts of red wine have taken their toll, I am not exactly au fait with what's going on here. However, the point of the question is why would an almighty, all powerful god have needed to rely firstly upon envoys, and secondly upon the cruelest of methods to free the slaves? Why? It makes absolutely no sense at all. In my opinion this being was neither almighty nor all powerful, - he couldn't have been - and if he needed to demonstrate his greatness, then at the very least he was guilty of at least one 'sin' - that of pride. This god was not a supernatural being, but simply someone from a more advanced civilisation who possessed technology unknown and not understood by the people in that area of the world of that time. Unfortunately though, he was not that advanced mentally, because he still got a kick from the adulation of people who knew no better, and from blowing his own trumpet. What an arrogrant, sick creature he was!