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Hi Luna, I've only seen one thing that I would definitely say was a UFO. It was on a sunny Sunday afternoon and this thing came flying very low just above the rooftops of some four-storey blocks of flats. It was round - not like a flying saucer, but like a ball. It was made of very solid-looking smooth silver metal, and I'd say it was probably about 20 feet in diameter. The sun was glinting on what appeared to be glass windows around the top of the front of it, and it didn't appear to have any markings of any description. It was perfectly silent, and it wasn't travelling at enormous speed - it didn't just whizz by in a flash. Because it travelled silently and deliberately, its motion reminded me of a ball that had been thrown a long distance (and no funny comments from anyone please about it being a long distance from another planet!). That's the only way I can describe the way it moved. Perfectly straight and perfectly silent. We watched it loom over the flats and then we ran across the road to track it as it flew off. I've never seen anything like it, and because it was so low over the rooftops and it was broad daylight, there was no mistake. It was there. Odd, eh?
It's not raining here, but it's dull so my washing's in the tumble dryer just in case.