Well, Manuel, I *do* have an active interest in religion, as have many others. My interest developed through my interest in Evolution, the simplest, most elegant and most convincing of scientific theories.
I got a paper from an Elim church through the door that was full of utter lies about evolution, such as the old 'men are decended from apes' chestnut. It's fascinating that a religion which claims to be about truth resorts to lies to protect itself. Not even clever lies! You don't have to believe the theory to know that it has never ever suggested man evolved from apes. There are many more that I've heard. Not sophisticated ones. Bad, obvious lies.
The rise of religious fundamentlism is terrifying. We have faith schools in this country that peddle anti-evolutionary cack. We have a well-organised religious lobby in the US that influences foriegn policy. People that would like nothing better than to see armageddon in the middle east.
Then there's fundamentalist terrorists in the middle east, inspired by a warped version of Islam, who bomb civililian targets in London and NY.
We have Christians & Hindus who demand that free speech, one of the finest concepts that underpins our society, be thrown away lest some ideas be heard.
What I am saying is the notion that the non-religious should have no interest in religion is silly. Why shouldn't I?
Incidentally, it's a bit rich trying to act the wounded party regarding the questions in this section, given your own history of posting things like 'God rescues Lesbian from Lesbianism' and other such deliberately inflamatory "gems" in your zeal to witness to us all.
By the way, when you talk about the good that the church has done, I assume you're including the Catholic Church? I know a Catholic couple who've done some very laudible works in Jesus's name. Doesn't mean their religion is based on a load of hooey though.