Chakka, I understand what you say. I went through a similar process to you before eventually, thankfully, taking repossession of my brain, seeing the error of my ways, and recovering the ability to think for myself. However, since Purple is obviously very concerned with the implications of her impending divorce in so far as her faith is concerned, I'm not sure that, at the moment, she is able to make the decision that you and I both took. Like me, it was obviously some time before you saw the hypocrisy of man-made Christianity for what it is, and with a newly discovered unclouded vision came to understand that you were able, if you chose, to free yourself from its manufactured dogma. Therefore, if Purple is indeed devout, bearing in mind all the nonsensical superstition that so-called Christianity implants into the minds of its followers, then it is quite clearly not a choice she can make lightly, or may, indeed, be willing to make, at this moment in time. That's not to say, of course, that realisation of the truth will not strike her at some time in the future - and I sincerely hope it does. That's all I meant.
I don't want to pry, but I'd be very interested to know what prompted you to move away from Christianity, Chakka - that's if you don't mind telling me.
Just a footnote: seems you are adulterous too!! Join the club! :o)