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Do Christians follow the teachings of Jesus...

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wizard69 | 22:24 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
57 Answers
or just the bits they want to?

So here are some questions for the christians on here...

1) If I asked you to give me your tv, would you? According to jesus, not only would you give me the tv, but you would gladly throw in the dvd player as well (matthew 5:40)

2) Luke 10:19 has Jesus telling his followers that they can walk on snakes and scorpions and not be harmed. Now this, I would REALLY like to see. Not that I want to test God, just see the credentials of a TRUE believer.

3) Have you got a bank account? according to Matthew 6;19,20 you shouldnt

4) have you sold everything that you own and given it to the poor (Luke 12:33)

5)you havn't made any plans for the future have you...holidays etc? If you have you are disobeying Jesus (Matthew 6:34)

6) If someone hits you, would you invite them to do it again (Mattew 5:39)

7) If someone broke into your home and stole all of your belongings, you wouldnt phone the police and try to get them back would you? That would be against the teachings of Jesus (Luke 6:30)

8) Do you teach your children to live by such bizzare standards?



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your stupid! (ran out of dots)
Question Author
And can't answer the questions...muppet christian
You're, not your.
Well as you know Wizard all the gospels were written after the event and as such were much open to personal interpretation, the only parts you can give much credence to are where all 4 Gospels agree with each other on events etc. So Luke said the bit about walking on Snakes - not Jesus, Mathew said the bit about the bank (but its common sense to say - you cant take worldly possessions with you, as much as the ancient Egyptians would have you believe otherwise - and a certain bank in Rome *cough*)
Question Author
you've got a thing about punctuation and yet can not answer a few questions ? (desperate man)
Question Author goin to answer the questions that I put to you or not? Tortuous explanations just dont do it for me I'm afraid. Having said that, at least you are trying unlike the abusive Whiffey.
No, you are stupid. I don't have to answer your questions which you posted on a public website and therefore opened to scrutiny of all kinds. I don't have a thing about punctuation, but I do have a thing about people who are rantingly ignorant and try to take the pi$$ without having examined the evidence.
Wizard69 can i ask what your views on religion are ???
I'll answer question 8 - as Most assuredly not. The rest you are making assumptions on, Do christians follow the teachings of Jesus? and then you are quoting what Matthew and Luke said. When Matthew, Mark, Luke and John agree on not a lot at all.
Question Author
Whiffy..let me help you.
You are quite right, you dont have to answer any questions.
SOLUTION?... dont go on to the posts and keep saying "I dont have to answer this"....its self evident to rational folk. OK?
Simple you
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Lousia...hang around (and look around)
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Hyperion...why not?
These are the teachings of the gospels.
Or do you pick 'n' choose
(like most people...including the obnoxious whiffey)
There are many intriguing things about the Gospels. They are inconsistent in places, just as 4 people recounting their memories will differ in detail. As inventions they are outrageously stupid - who would have Jewish women discovering an empty tomb ? When however a writer opens with:

"Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."

I think this is worthy of attention until such time as it is proven to be false. Proof is going to become paramount with Chatterbank just around the corner.
wizard, a lesson for you in turn. Much as you would like to flatten me you can't. I accept your intellectual superiority, but I am an awkward ******. I suggest you set up your own website where you can reign supreme without nuisances like me.
some Christians do the snake business
No, I keep an open mind on religion and pick and choose what I believe in, with a healthy dash of common sense thrown in. You are quoting from a Bible that has been heavily corrupted over the past 2000 years, which is the main reason that Muslims split away around 700AD, the Koran today is the same today as it was then which shows how serious they were about it ;). You are also talking about TV's, DvD's, Phoning the Police etc all of which were not around then. The only serious question is question 8, which I answered and in doing so answered 1-7.
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whiffey, you flatten yourself and you are only a nuisance insomuch as you dont answer questions put to you do you?
You didn't put the question to me dimwit. You put an open question on a public website. Unluckily for you I happened upon it and gave all the wrong answers. I have many more wrong answers in reserve.
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Hyperion....your belief system does not concern me then does it?
if you want to take what you want and ignore the rest then feel free. That is nothing to do with me. I might feel the need (at 41 years of age) to believe in the tooth fairy again. Thats my perogative. AND...............................
Um.......well to take the teachings so literally is quite foolish and therefore in this day and age it is just as ridiculous to pose such questions as they are meaningless. You don't go to an old doctor when you can visit a younger one with the latest knowledge do you but even the younger one has to rely on some of the old teachings as his basic starting point..

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